emotional eater seeks help

My name is megan. I have two autisticchildren tthat I love with all my heart but they are not helping my waists. My sleep is messed up. My nerves are crazy. I eat without realizing I am doing it sometimes. I need advice from my fellow emotional eaters. Thanks.


  • Searcher85
    Searcher85 Posts: 2 Member
    I think that journaling what you eat everyday is the best tool that you have. It also helps to invite friends who are supportive and will keep you accountable. This will be easier if diary is visible to others. At the end of each week, review your diary and look for trends. Prepare meals and snacks days or a week in advance. Divide and package them in containers. Plan and do exercise for most days of the week. Stick to this religiously. Make this your time to treat yourself. Push hard and be surprised with results. Exercising regularly always helps with mood, sleep, and compulsive eating. May also consider seeking advice or treatment from a counselor or doctor.
  • Thanks Searcher85. That makes sense. I think I will wait until I get a little more strict before I have my journal for public view. Lol. I see how that would help though. ;)