Easy lunches for work



  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    edited February 2015
    Plan your meals for the week and make what you're taking for lunch the day before. If I fail to plan, I end up with bad choices for lunch the next day. Healthy cereal or oatmeal with skim milk or milk alternative (love unsweetened almond milk- only 30 cals a cup) and a piece of fruit makes an easy, nutritious lunch.
  • JWat2020
    JWat2020 Posts: 80 Member
    Weight watchers Taco soup. It is delicious, makes a TON stays good all week and freezes well:

  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Im a fan of the good old fashioned sandwich myself. I eat alot of safeway brand microwave meals as well.
  • mearsy88
    mearsy88 Posts: 87 Member

    am also looking for easy lunch ideas. I do like to eat salads for lunch, but at the moment where its still cold I just want to eat warm stuff!
  • Linandra
    Linandra Posts: 10 Member
    I like to take a yoghurt pot, and fruit. If its really cold I love Cup a soups.
  • Nessa489
    Nessa489 Posts: 4 Member
    I love tuna salad microwaved with slice american cheese and then dip apple slices in it. Sometimes I'll even make a tuna salad/apple/cheese burrito and melt in microwave. I've done the same with canned chicken, but I like the tuna better. Or even just lettuce on a tortilla shell with a tiny bit of ranch, seems boring but tastes good to me, and a switch from a regular salad. Poor man's quesadilla - tortilla shell, taco sauce, slice of cheese....warm in microwave and roll up/fold.

    Lately I've been into triscuit pizzas - 7-8 triscuits, dab pizza sauce, break up string cheese pieces and microwave. Works on rice cakes or English muffins too.

    If I want a side (or just not very hungry), microwave steamed veggies with slice of cheese on top. Quite filling.

    I also second the soup ideas.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    fsuguy92 wrote: »
    Hey guys, starting tomorrow on this journey to get in shape! Wondering what easy lunch ideas you guys have that I can easily take to work. Usually I'll bring a yogurt and a granola bar to eat as a snack early and late, so I really just need an easy "main course". Thanks :)

    My niece has been making (and posting pictures) of her weekly Mason Jar Salads.
    They look amazing and she swears they don't get soggy or wilted even by the last day.

  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Lunch is simple for me. Either leftovers from the night before or Smart Ones frozen meals. Between that and my protein bar for breakfast, I don't have to think about either meal, Also leaves me a fair number of calories for dinner
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member
    I cook chicken in a crock pot on the weekends, and eat on it all week (sometimes plain, sometimes added in a can of Progresso soup, etc.) .... I try to keep a couple of Lean Cuisine, etc. frozen meals to grab as a last minute if I don't have time to plan and prepare something (better than a school lunch- I'm a teacher) .... I eat a lot of soups, I made a white chicken chili and froze individual size portions which were perfect for lunch .... sometimes I'll get small packages of deli meat, and roll that up with Sargento's ultra thin cheese along with yogurt and fruit ....
  • Btrflyl8e
    Btrflyl8e Posts: 6 Member
    JWat2020 wrote: »
    Weight watchers Taco soup. It is delicious, makes a TON stays good all week and freezes well:

    I double this recipe and always have some in the freezer. The last two times I made it I used ground turkey, and we liked it better! We always top each serving with a dash of hot sauce, too.
  • chopsart
    chopsart Posts: 123 Member

    My niece has been making (and posting pictures) of her weekly Mason Jar Salads.
    They look amazing and she swears they don't get soggy or wilted even by the last day.


    Beautiful and unusual salads. thank you!
  • krystalblue1980
    krystalblue1980 Posts: 14 Member
    chopsart wrote: »

    My niece has been making (and posting pictures) of her weekly Mason Jar Salads.
    They look amazing and she swears they don't get soggy or wilted even by the last day.


    Beautiful and unusual salads. thank you![/quote]
    I'd love to see the jar salads but link says nothing's there