Water.. on the a date?



  • dawnymc1
    dawnymc1 Posts: 29
    A poem about wanting to die with a post about water drinking in restaurants?

    Do what you want. The restaurant is there to service you and your party, not the other way around.

    ^ This

    Unless they have a policy on putting mio in water I really couldn't care less about the stares. Okay, I admit it, I've done it and never wondered for a minute who thought what. I even bring my own sweetener for my coffee and or tea, until the restaurants begin investing in Stevia I will continue to do what I want to do :).
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    If you're going to a place that sells food and or drinks, you should feel obligated to buy something. Why should that waitress waster her time serving you when you're basically no more than a beggar to her?

    If you're not going to buy something in a food/drink establishment, you shouldn't go there. Window shopping in a clothing or shoe store is one thing, but it is completely unacceptable at a restaurant/bar.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    All of that because of water? :huh:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    As a former server, I'd be a little peeved if you required me to bring out extra stuff and have special requests for a drink you brought in yourself. Most restaurants have rules for No Outside Food, so the waitstaff sort of has a right to give you the stink eye.

    But if she gives you a good tip does it really matter?
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    I like to drink my water with a shot of mio and a packet of sweet and low. It ads the sweet taste I crave. Otherwise water is so blah I'd rather be a camel!!

    Is it ok on a date to pull out my strawberry watermelon mio and ask for a sugar packet? I NEED it and I am thinking I just can not go out anymore if this isn't acceptable.
    I went out with some friends last weekend and they all wanted to go to a microbrew place. Beer, no I'm not going to loose my losses over one night drinking one beer! The waitress made me feel really uncomfortable when I asked for water filled 3/4 of the way. Should I feel forced into having a glass of wine now if i go out? I'm just going to stay home forever. I'm just in tears thinking about this. Does anyone else hate water and need that little extra to get you though a cup?What do you call it when all you feel is pain? When your loved ones look at you and all you feel is shame? When your tired of living and playing this game?
    when you know your life is meaningless and your the only one to blame? What do you call it when the hurt is in your soul?
    When you smile and laugh but you know its all a show?When you feel like you've hit your all time low? When nothing makes you happy and the darkness around you grows? What do you call it when you feel so alone? When your in your house but it don't feel like home? When you look back in your life and every choice you made now seems wrong? When the wait to die seems too long.
    poem by Thalia

    Maybe there is a water acceptance program you can enter. Sort of like a 12-step program but for learning to love water. I might see you there because I don't like plain water unless I am really thirsty. I like to plop some fruity bits into mine. Makes me feel like a cabana boy is about to come to my door and fan me with palm fronds or some **** like that.
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    Wine puts drizzle in my sizzle so I stick to water when I go out.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I would order a diet coke. It has caffeine in it :D
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I would think that the restaurant would be displeased you're bringing your own drink...

    ETA: Why ask for it 3/4 full? Just drink some of it. Or put a little extra Mio in...