Plateau I think. Suggestions?

I've been doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism for two weeks. 5 times a week. I eat 1200-1400 calories a day. Sticking closer to 1200 on rest days. My weight hasn't budged since I started this workout. Any suggestions? Should I up my calories? Or maybe stop this workout & try another?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Eating more is not going to help you lose weight. If you aren't losing, you're not in a deficit. It is normal however, to retain water when beginning a new exercise program.
    Finally, a plateau is 8-10 weeks. Can you open your diary?
  • LiveForTheWilderness
    New workouts typically result in increased water retention as your body works to repair muscle. Maybe that's part of the plateau. I wonder if the bigger issue is that of accurately counting your calories? I find that when I eyeball my food, I underestimate my intake. If you aren't already, try measuring all of your food with a food scale.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    What will help you lose weight is a simple calorie deficit. If you are not losing weight, it could be a few different things:

    1. water retention from working out. If you think this might be the issue, keep doing what you're doing, increase your water and be patient. Put the scale away for a few days and see if it goes down after that. Your weight will naturally fluctuate, and this could just be a natural fluctuation
    2. You're not measuring something right somewhere. Either you're consuming more calories than you think you are or you're burning fewer than you think you are or both. The best thing is to measure your food with a reliable food scale because it is more accurate than other measurements (ie, two tablespoons of peanut butter may not be exactly the serving sized based on the weight measurement). Also, invest in a heart rate monitor to more accurately calculate the calories you burn while you're exercising. MFP has estimated calories burns but their estimates are not always the most accurate. A reliable heart rate monitor will give you a closer estimate of what you're burning.

    I hope this helps you! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I also have a lot of links to really informative threads on my profile that you might want to check out
  • babytashh
    babytashh Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! I'm going to up my water & be more careful with my calories! I had a few days of bad eating thanks to aunt flow. So I know that has something to do with it too! I just thought maybe I was doing something wrong. Seems I'm on the right path!
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    babytashh wrote: »
    Thank you! I'm going to up my water & be more careful with my calories! I had a few days of bad eating thanks to aunt flow. So I know that has something to do with it too! I just thought maybe I was doing something wrong. Seems I'm on the right path!

    Your body can also retain water from your menstrual cycle, so if you're new at this don't panic just yet. Although the suggestions for the food scale and heart rate monitor are still very good. It's good to get used to using them when you first start so you don't struggle with it later!