30 days to make a difference

I've been working with a personal trainer since Oct 2014
Driving a computer desk for the past 10 years - 12-16 hours a day really took a toll on my body. I finally made a decision that I'm not going to work my butt off only to retire and have a ton of health issues. That makes no sense.

So far, I have lost 30lbs and have trimmed 8 inches off my belly and reached my first goal. I've been very happy with the results so far and am actually enjoying a better lifestyle, but still driving the desk.

My trainer is going to be gone for the next 4 weeks so I'm on my own - this is going to be a big test for me. I have been training with her twice a week and trying to get at least 30-60 minutes of some sort of cardio and additional weight lifting on my own.

My challenge is to lose 10 pounds before she returns. I could probably easily achieve that by going on a strict low carb diet but I also don't want to sacrifice the muscle I have built so far and am not sure that would be the way to go.

I'm currently eating a mostly clean diet.
No fried foods, no added sugar, no carbs for dinner. Lots of protein, veggies, fruits, and some grains.

Current plan is to weight train 4 nights a week for around 30 minutes and then 30 minutes after for cardio. I normally do an elliptical at level 7 with 11 set as resistance (it goes to 20)

That all being said - I'd appreciate any feedback on any 30 day programs any of you have had success with. I want to have a great 30 days so we can train harder when my trainer returns.


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Weight loss = calorie deficit. If you aren't currently losing 10lbs/month then the only way you WILL lose 10lbs is if you either increase your exercise time (ie burn more calories) or eat less food. Maybe you should just keep doing what you are doing instead of aiming for an arbitrary goal for the month?

    Also just a side note: what you eat doesn't dictate weight loss. I've been eating the things you've restricted and also lost 30lbs, albeit much more slowly because a) I have specific body compositon goals that require I maintain as much lean mass as I can, and b) anything faster than this and I get hungry.

    If you want to train harder when when she gets back then don't try to speed up your results. Just do what youi've been doing this whole time.
  • Whitty1982
    Whitty1982 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks Ana! I'll keep at it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You've got this, go get it!