feeling disappointed

Struggling to exercise and went over my calorie amount. I want desperately to loose the weight.


  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    Take today as a learning lesson, log it, evaluate and move on. Tomorrow is another day!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Why are you struggling exactly? Exercise is for health, weight loss comes from eating in a deficit. What is your weekly weight loss goal?
  • jlodes_1965
    I want to lose a couple pounds a week.I have several herniated disc from a accident so when I exercise or walk long periods of time the next day I'm in a lot of pain and don't want to be on pain pills
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    What are your stats? Can you open your diary?

    I think you should discuss exercise with your PCP before beginning a plan, to avoid any further injury.
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    So don't exercise! I lost my first 25 lbs without any exercise at all! Figure out what time of day you are most hungry and use that to your advantage! Tweak your calories, meal timing, water intake, etc until you find out what works for you!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. :) What do you think made you go over your calories? How much do you weigh now? What is your calorie goal?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Maybe you should dial down the goal to 1 pound per week. When you put it too aggressive it will leave you hungry. You want your weight loss to be sustainable not something you won't be able to do. Exercise is for health and weight loss is done in the kitchen. This a lifestyle and not a diet.

    read this


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    The only requirement for weight loss is a caloric deficit. Start there and take each day as it comes.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Then diet is definitely key with your back issues.. get that dialed in tightly (weigh solid foods and measure all liquids... Log everything, every day.)

    I would suggest going to 1 to 1.5 lb per week max for now, rather than 2... for me, I do 1, because I can usually achieve that goal, and it keeps me motivated to not give up. Also, it's pretty unlikely that you gained it that fast, so don't expect to lose it overnight.

    As far as exercise goes, I would suggest doing what you can without aggravating your back.. If you can do 10 minutes walk /day without hurting your back, that's much better than 20 minutes then having to rest two days because the back hurts... Take it easy, and you may find as you lose the weight that your exercise tolerance goes up a bit.
  • dinosaurparty
    dinosaurparty Posts: 185 Member
    edited February 2015
    If you're having a really hard time sticking to your daily goals, maybe you should try increasing your calories a bit for a few weeks, and lowering them as you become accustomed to eating less and/or have more control over your cravings.

    I'm assuming that you're aiming for 1200cal a day. That is really, really hard for most people to stick to. I've fallen off that wagon so many times in the past. If you don't think you can stick to it, there's no shame in lowering your weekly weight loss goal. Better to loose weight a little more slowly, than to restrict until you're miserable. That's what leads to binges and feeling like you've failed.

    You could also try fluxuating your intake. 1200cal one day, 1600 the next, then down to 1300, etc. You'll loose weight a little more slowly, but it'll allow for more variation. Sometimes knowing that you can have ice cream in two days without going over your caloric limit can help you stick to your goals.
  • jlodes_1965
    Thank you for the advise