
Hi everyone I'm new to FP, I really need friend's for support ♡ thanks


  • Supermom_of_8
    Supermom_of_8 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks for adding me. I love to help with support. I look forward to hearing about your success. :)
  • mysix215
    mysix215 Posts: 6
    edited February 2015
    @Supermom_of_8‌ thank you so much for accepting me Im new to this app and I'm learning how to use it, also I've recently come to accept the fact that having a support system during this journey is essential to my success and I'm more motivated than I've ever been, I'm a mother of 6 three girls three boys and they are my life, and are my strength for changing my life, when I look at them and realize that I could possibly not see them into adulthood, that is just not an option so here I am I started on February 5th and I plan to lose 200 pounds by July of 2015, sorry for venting, thank you so much I truly look for to my success and I'm here if you ever need any support from me!!!!
  • Supermom_of_8
    Supermom_of_8 Posts: 144 Member
    Don't apologize for venting! Your on the right track. Wow, 6 kids! So, you know what I've been through as well. It's hard doing this on your own, but being on here is the first step on the road to success. I know you can do it! It's all about discipline. Starting with eating right & excerise. I've been losing weight without working out & the more I'm losing the weight, the more motivated & energy I have. I'm really focusing on my losing my inches than weight. Weight fluctuates so much thoughtout the day, you don't want to be discouraged. Take it from me. I've been doing this off & on for yrs but this time is different. I'm sticking to it! I also want to live long enough to see my kids grow up. I have 3 that are pretty grown & 1 moved out but about 4 yrs ago, we adopted 5 little ones. It wouldn't be fair for them to lose another parent. So here I am!!