Looking for a good leg workout!



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    marcolbmp wrote: »
    Again, you're last statement was so far off base it's laughable.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    marcolbmp-- Thanks, that looks great! Thanks for taking the time to explain each exercise, much appreciated! I'm going to try it out after work today and see how I feel tomorrow!

    aggelikik-- I agree with you, I've maxed out the 10lbs. However, I'm not going into this to compete or anything of that nature, I'm doing it to tone/for the aesthetic/for the metabolic improvement/for general health improvement. My arms and legs look like they don't belong to the same person! Hence why I'm so keen on lower body at the moment. I'm happy with my arms at present, so I think I'll stick with the 10lb free weights for now.

    yopeeps025-- I'm 10lbs away from my weight goal. However, not close to my fitness goal. I'm looking to lose fat AND gain muscle-- in fact, losing 10lbs of fat and gaining it back in 10lbs of muscle would be ideal!

    lauRoxx-- I've heard amazing things about kettle bells! That might be the next thing I invest in. What weight would you recommend?

    I am a woman, I am not lifting really heavy, have zero interest in competing, and have zero interest in bulking much. I think we have similar goals. But, in practice, on the long run, either you keep challenging your muscles, so find a new routine, or increase weight, or you will not longer see any effect at all. Like, you will end up lifting the same dumbbells for about 100 reps, just to feel something happening, which is at least boring, at least for me.
    When you say your arms and legs do not look like they belong to same person, is it because the legs are thinner and you need to bulk, or because you tend to accumulate fat on the lower body, so you need to lose weight? Because it is quite possible you do have good muscle volume on your legs, especially if you use a bike as you say, but the last pounds of fat are still clinging to this area, so you just cannot see the muscles that well.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    edited February 2015
    If you're not attached to using weights, you can get a great workout with bodyweight exercises. Startbodyweight.com is a good progressive programme that I like and use for my own resistance training.
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Wow everyone, thank you so much for all the response!

    But yes, as Brolympus caught, I am working from home and the heaviest weights I have are 10lbs. I wasn't sure if that was suitable for any of the muscle groups concerning the lower half of my body.

    I'm looking for a good routine I can do from home with what I have and maxing myself out before hitting a gym or investing in some equipment, and seeing how serious about this I'm going to get (although I think I will, I prefer weight training over cardio any day).

    Also, I have no idea what kind of regime I should be making for myself... three exercises a day? Five? Seven? And what exercises target what muscle groups. I've done some googling, but I thought it would be nice to find a routine that someone in my situation or who has been in my situation used and found results.

    It's nice discovering names of different exercises though, more to read up on and learn!

    Those 10lbs dumbbells are not really going to add more challenge than just bodyweight exercises would for your legs. You legs contain big, powerful muscles, and need big, heavy weights to grow. Personally OP, I would look into either a) finding a gym that has Olympic lifting equipment for cheap or b) cruise craigslist for deals on equipment or c) look into doing stuff like plyometrics (jump training) while you build up some cash for a) or b) if you are really broke at the moment.

    Your time is valuable, you should try to spend it doing the things that will maximize your efforts. It is a lot more difficult to build a 1lbs of muscle than lose 1lbs of fat. The legs need a decent amount of stress to get bigger/stronger, the kind of stress that comes from squats, deadlifts, etc. Bodyweight exercises will add a little bit of muscle, but a large amount of the strength gains you will see from them will come from neural adaptation, which will eventually plateau out when your body has maximized its ability to use the given amount of muscle fiber it has.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    edited February 2015
    Brolympus wrote: »
    Your time is valuable, you should try to spend it doing the things that will maximize your efforts.

    And there you have it, if you take away anything from this thread; that is a great take home point. #knowledgebomb
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    If you only have 10lb dumbells, walking lunges whilst holding them will work your legs pretty hard! Admittedly mine were in addition to squats and squat press yesterday but I can hardly walk today my glutes are so sore! Can also feel it down the side of my thighs - strangely where my sticky out bits are not along my quads where I though it would be.