
I stay on track all week long and feel fantastic. I have a big family so every weekend there is something going on. I try my best but I always seem to be over my calories. Help please


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Are your family events all day or just one meal? Can you plan it in? Eat very light and low calorie except for the family event? Drink extra water, have smaller portions? Those are challenging especially if they are not part of your weight loss support team!
  • maryamn4
    maryamn4 Posts: 21 Member
    Great ideas. Thank you
  • saires_au
    saires_au Posts: 175 Member
    I average my calories for the week so if I know I've got something coming up I will try and eat slightly under goal (about 100cal per day I'm on 1650 a day). Then I use those extra calories for the special occasion

    If your daily calorie goal is too low to comfortably allow you to cut back a bit each day do some extra exercise to make up those calories.

    Or enjoy the day and plan to eat at your current maintenance calorie goal and accept that day as one you don't lose weight on.

    Whatever way works for you make sure you log it all
  • Emma8882015
    Emma8882015 Posts: 28 Member
    It's definitely all about portions! I love to try everything at parties/buffets, so I try to take just a small scoop of everything that looks good. That way you don't feel like you're missing out, and get a wide and satisfying range of flavors!!
    Another tip is to start with veggies and then you'll be too full to eat a ton of the less healthy stuff. Also, I tend to make bad decisions when I'm really hungry so make sure you aren't starving when they bring out the lasagna and fried chicken you know what I mean lol
  • brookiebrooke87
    brookiebrooke87 Posts: 9 Member
    You can do it!
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Same story here. This weekend we did a BBQ at my brothers, and pasta dinner at my parents. For both events I went for a nice little ride/run on my elliptical, ate a smallish breakfast and didn't snack throughout the day to make room.
    Even though I ate 1600 cals at lunch (including wine) I made it fit in my budget. I did skip dessert and stayed away from the chips!
    Not easy, and if you go a bit over..that's life. Enjoy and make sure the week gives you some breathing room.
  • I have the same problem with weekends, especially lately. We've had a lot of "celebration" dinners lately. Having just started logging a little over a week ago, I find that logging everything really puts things into perspective. I find myself making better decisions, especially with portion sizes, deserts or additional drinks. Even though I may not lose as quickly because there are some days I don't hit my goals, I am still making better decisions and consuming less calories than if I wasn't logging. I am comfortable with that. If it becomes a "diet" to stick to, I know eventually I will feel deprived and I will fail. It is a lifestyle change, not something to get through.
  • maryamn4
    maryamn4 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for your support everyone! Lots of good tips that I will for sure try. It's nice to know I am not the only one in this situation.