Crazy week!

Ok so this has been a Crazy Week! A good friend from our church passed away on Valentine's Day!
My husband lost a childhood friend in a car accident while he was on a vacation with his wife! My brother n law had a massive heart attack! Ptl he is going to be ok! My great niece was rush to the hospital by ambulance because she couldn't breathe she has Pneumonia she's four years old she is better now! Ptl I pulled out my back and couldn't go to any of my aquatic classes. This is also the week I was planning and my mom's 80th birthday party! ( we had it yesterday!) did I eat cake? Yes!!!!! Lol. I've been tracking my calories for a month now but this pass week No I haven't! Can u blame me? Lol. Anyway with all that my week could have been worst! It could have been me that lost a love one. I was knock of course but getting back on!


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Sounds like some week you've had!

    Sorry to hear of your friends passing!

    As for the healthy lifestyle, fantastic work with the consistent logging.. remember that being human we all have 'blips' and sometimes we just fall a little behind.
    Just take tomorrow as a new day and blow away the week of no logging.

    You got this!!
