2 months, nothing



  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    reverse diet. calories should never be this low for your weight. it's caused severe metabolic slowdown and hormone issues. i know it's scary and you'll gain a few pounds back, but you need to be at over 2000 calories a day at the least (body weight x15 is a better place to start)... that's what kicks metabolism up and that's when the body lets go of fat.

    the further the deficit from your TDEE, the more the body creates an environment for fat storage. work on fixing the metabolism and then reduce calories by 15-20% max... never anymore, unless you're a body builder in the final weeks before a show.

    good luck.. don't get discouraged. you can do this but need a far better approach.

    There's no way I can eat over 2000 calories a day, that doesn't look like, where is this number coming from? even when I was on a different exercise program last year that burned around 700-800 per session I never ate 2000 calories....i'd have to eat all day for that many
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    You sound like me, how I was, prior to changing my diet. I tried to exercise the weight away, with zero results.

    Once I changed my eating habits and began tracking my food (measuring every bite, and not going over my allotted calorie limit), the weight couldn't come off fast enough.

    Trust me, it's the only way.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I agree with others. You should start logging EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth. Majority of us underestimate the calories and fat in everything. I would log everything for a few weeks and cut down on carbs and fruit; and eat lean protein and lot of veggies.

    I could open my diary up for the first 7 weeks you will see I did log everything, and only a few days i may have went over by alittle bit. but only a few days did I go over. I eat a lot of fruits, and vegetables, chicken, egg whites. I have the occasional bad meal, but only on my highest burn days.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You likely are not eating enough. That paired with the lack of sleep is creating too much stress on your body. It causes your body to create cortisol, and cortisol prevents weight loss.

    According to this:

    Your BMR is: 1705
    TDEE (maintenance) is: 2642
    Goal to lose: 2114 (I put in 3-5 hours a week of exercise).

    If you put in 1-3 hours exercise instead, you get 1875 calories.
  • RonaldJP
    RonaldJP Posts: 5 Member
    1200 calories at 5'3 is definitely not undereating.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    You likely are not eating enough. That paired with the lack of sleep is creating too much stress on your body. It causes your body to create cortisol, and cortisol prevents weight loss.

    According to this:

    Your BMR is: 1705
    TDEE (maintenance) is: 2642
    Goal to lose: 2114 (I put in 3-5 hours a week of exercise).

    I get 7 hours a week of exercise. Eating that many calries is going to make me gain at least 3-4 lbs in a week. When I exercise I eat about 1700-1900 calories.
    If you put in 1-3 hours exercise instead, you get 1875 calories.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    You likely are not eating enough. That paired with the lack of sleep is creating too much stress on your body. It causes your body to create cortisol, and cortisol prevents weight loss.

    According to this:

    Your BMR is: 1705
    TDEE (maintenance) is: 2642
    Goal to lose: 2114 (I put in 3-5 hours a week of exercise).

    I get 7 hours a week of exercise. Eating that many calries is going to make me gain at least 3-4 lbs in a week. When I exercise I eat about 1700-1900 calories.
    If you put in 1-3 hours exercise instead, you get 1875 calories.

    I think my text screwed up somehow sorry about that...
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    1200 calories at 5'3 is definitely not undereating.

    Yeah, except TDEE is mainly affected by weight. But strong first post.
  • felissa72
    felissa72 Posts: 1
    Just joining and was reading the posts. Was just wondering what the protein was for if you were trying to loose. I only ask because my son and his friends had mentioned taking it for gaining. Im not a pro but could it possibly be the protein?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    what you need is a doctor and a dietician.

    people here are just guessing and this sounds too complex.

    personally I think its either a health problem or your portions are bigger than you think or theres more calories in what you are eating than you think. basically you are eating above maintenance.

    but were all just guessing here, you really need to see some medical professionals as this sounds like its been going on for a long time.

    also you cant say its not your intake until you have weighed everything, made sure your portion sizes are correct, that you are not adding a load of butter/oil/lard/mayonaise to everything.

    also obese people telling you you need to eat more is like junkies telling you smack is good. its not... well.. not aftewards.

    so say it ten times with me:

    you need a
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Start logging. Log everything, with food scale. If your clothes are tighter and you're gaining weight, and it's not just normal fluctuations, then you're not in a deficit. But we can't really tell you what to do until you've got an accurate food diary to pull from.

    I just recently over the last 4 or 5 days stopped recording, I keep track in my mind for the day what I eat.
    Well then you should probably open your diary so we can look earlier than those 4 or 5 days since this has been going on for 2 months.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Just joining and was reading the posts. Was just wondering what the protein was for if you were trying to loose. I only ask because my son and his friends had mentioned taking it for gaining. Im not a pro but could it possibly be the protein?

    This is called thread jacking.

    Protein is the building block of muscle and other tissues in your body. You need to consume protein in adequate amounta in order to retain and rebuild muscle mass.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i sense a troll in the thread....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Just joining and was reading the posts. Was just wondering what the protein was for if you were trying to loose. I only ask because my son and his friends had mentioned taking it for gaining. Im not a pro but could it possibly be the protein?

  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I agree that 1200 cals at 220lbs isn't enough. I'm at 170lbs now (from 237) and I eat just under 2000 a day and exercise roughly 7-8 hours a week.
    I would also suggest seeing a doctor. To see absolutely NO results in 2 months is beyond odd.. Maybe you have a problem with your thyroid... Hyperthyroidism can cause insomnia and in roughly 10% of cases can be the cause of weight gain rather than the expected weight loss.

    Try upping your cals slowly (about 100 cals a week) until you're eating at least your BMR. Keep up the exercise. See your doctor.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    You likely are not eating enough. That paired with the lack of sleep is creating too much stress on your body. It causes your body to create cortisol, and cortisol prevents weight loss.

    According to this:

    Your BMR is: 1705
    TDEE (maintenance) is: 2642
    Goal to lose: 2114 (I put in 3-5 hours a week of exercise).

    If you put in 1-3 hours exercise instead, you get 1875 calories.

    ahh, that calculation is most likely off because its greatly overestimating her lean body mass, because her BMI is 35+.

    if you added in the body fat % it would be more accurate. im 6 foot, my bmr is 1700ish. try again.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    Just joining and was reading the posts. Was just wondering what the protein was for if you were trying to loose. I only ask because my son and his friends had mentioned taking it for gaining. Im not a pro but could it possibly be the protein?

    I read a lot about protein and if what I read is right it's suppose to help. But either way, i've had weeks where I had low protein, and weeks with high protein so it didn't seem to make a difference.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    what you need is a doctor and a dietician.

    people here are just guessing and this sounds too complex.

    personally I think its either a health problem or your portions are bigger than you think or theres more calories in what you are eating than you think. basically you are eating above maintenance.

    but were all just guessing here, you really need to see some medical professionals as this sounds like its been going on for a long time.

    also you cant say its not your intake until you have weighed everything, made sure your portion sizes are correct, that you are not adding a load of butter/oil/lard/mayonaise to everything.

    also obese people telling you you need to eat more is like junkies telling you smack is good. its not... well.. not aftewards.

    so say it ten times with me:

    you need a
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician
    doctor and a dietician

    I'm not obese, but good try.

    With a TDEE of 2600, that's a whole crapload of mayo and oil and butter to make up the difference between her deficit and TDEE.

    A doctor and dietician is good advice though.
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    I agree with Nikiliss. I was in the same boat as you until 11/04/2013 when I found out I was Gluten, lactose and Casein intolerant. I changed my diet and lost 7 kilos (with exercise of course). See a Doctor or Dietician. Get tested and then go from there
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    also obese people telling you you need to eat more is like junkies telling you smack is good. its not... well.. not aftewards.

    Not obese. -waves-