Have you hit rock bottom?

How many of you have hit rock bottom and you have finally decided its time to make a change? I live a healthy lifestyle but sometimes we get off track and fall off the wagon and get drug down the street. BUT im feeling determined today and ready to kick this weight in the butt. Whos with me?


  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Sounds like me. In!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Reaches out to pull you back on the wagon.
  • SonofNorthernDarkness
    I've hit rock bottom in every aspect of my life
  • MelFallesen
    MelFallesen Posts: 13 Member
    I did. An year and a half ago, 4 months after my baby was born, I went and get on the scale and found out I was 92kg (that's 202lb), something like 25kg over my ideal weigh.

    I felt TERRIBLE

    That day I decided to change my entire life, with a couple of fallings, today I've lost almost 13kg and I'm decided to lose the other 12 no matter what.

    You can count me in the train! There's no way we're going back there!
  • SkinnyJeans31
    SkinnyJeans31 Posts: 3 Member
    Well the good thing is that when you hit the rock bottom there is nowhere to go but up. You can do it! i am 70 lbs down from my heaviest 3 years ago, just had a baby and actually lost weight, now going to try and maintain it or lose some more. So i am with you for sure.
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    I have lost about 100 pounds and in the last month from stress and sugar and anxiety and more sugar I have went up a bit. Feeling so determined today to get the show on the road. Nutrition has been great this mroning. I had my shakeology, i drank my water and about to have ym string cheese snack. I have 25 pounds left until i hit my ultimate goal and im stuck so I hop emy new determination will giv eme that jump start i need.
  • VintageMisery514
    VintageMisery514 Posts: 533 Member
    Pretty close. My self esteem is definitely at an all-time low. It frustrates me that I could so easily stay motivated years ago, and now it's so incredibly hard. I think a big part of that is I had a group of people doing it with me years ago, and now I don't. (Hence why I'm back on MFP.) Like someone said, nowhere to go but up...
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    I have wanted to start a group and I did but it doesnt seem like anyone can find it? Does anyone else have a good idea for this?
  • MelFallesen
    MelFallesen Posts: 13 Member
    What's the name of the group? Can I add you to my friends?
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    feeling awesome today got my workout in, my upper fix, my shakeology and pants are feeling looser. whooohooo
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I hit rock bottom when I saw a picture of myself and said "I have a shirt like that!" about the overweight girl in the photo...that person was me. I didn't even realize that was the way I looked. That was 2013 and I have not looked back. I keep that picture up as motivation when I feel like I am slipping.
  • RegineRere
    RegineRere Posts: 8 Member
    I started back last month and hoping this time it is for good!
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    I hit rock bottom in the fall. I am ready to get rid of the weight and be healthy!
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    Yeah, I was ready to end it all Christmas 2013. Saw no way out and was tired of being fat and useless. So glad I didn't as I found the strength to fix myself a few months later.
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    I hit the bottom when I hit 262 a year and a half ago. I lost 98 lbs over the next year +. Now I'm actually trying to add muscle, so I'm up a couple of pounds. You can do it if you're dedicated. I was heavy my entire life, and I'm finally at a healthy BMI.
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Yep. Yesterday actually. Had been avoiding the scale for a while. Finally got the courage to get on and found I am 10 pounds heavier than my highest weight ever. That was a punch in the gut. Rejoined MFP today. Looking for support to finally get and stay to my goal weight.
  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yep. I am getting divorced, and on Sunday I stepped on the scale and it was 164. I can only blame the stress of divorce for so long. I am 5'3" and the most I've ever weighed in my life is 159. I swore I'd never be over that. So...I am now getting very serious. Bootcamp twice a week and following the calorie plan. My goal is 135. I am 50, so I know I'll never be my tiny 122 pounds again, but 135 puts me in a size 6-8 and I feel fantastic. I can do it!!!!!!
  • AReeves41
    AReeves41 Posts: 66 Member
    Me. Feel free to add me
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    lewispwest wrote: »
    Yeah, I was ready to end it all Christmas 2013. Saw no way out and was tired of being fat and useless. So glad I didn't as I found the strength to fix myself a few months later.

    thats great! it takes alot to really get your self picked back up. What type of fitness did you get into?