Non-veggie/fruit eater



  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    This might not disguise them enough for you, but I like to roast vegetables in olive oil with some salt and pepper.
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    I tell my kids "You don't have to eat it, but you do have to try it", and once they try something enough times, they actually start to like it. My 4 year old really doesn't like collards, and protests every time I serve them, but I just say to him that we are going to be eating collards in this house for a very long time, so he may as well get used to them. Last time I served them he exclaimed "hey! I LIKE collards!". So I guess what I'm trying to say is to keep trying them, eventually you should acquire a taste for them :)

    I also agree with the posters above who recommended green smoothies or juicing. Also check out a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious.

    I think it's great that you want to change your mind about veggies, that is a great start!
  • awesomewastaken
    awesomewastaken Posts: 92 Member
    I used to hate both cottage cheese and tuna (and other fish), but after finding out I'm not getting nearly enough protein, I have begun trying to adapt myself to them slowly and so far so good. Have you tried "easing yourself into it" - a side of salad here and there, a couple of cucumbers or a carrot occasionally? Fruit and vegetables are quite great actually :smile:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My husband wasn't a big veggie eater aside from carrots, peas and basic salad and I got him eating mushrooms, zucchini and capsicum by chopping them finely and cooking them into things like pasta sauces, stews, casseroles and soups. The pieces got bigger, he worked out they weren't that bad, now he happily eats them.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    AwfHand wrote: »
    Okay, so I'm a picky eater who never grew out of it. I don't like more than a few vegetables (corn, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes-but only in sauces- and some peppers) and I eat no fruit (unless OJ or wine counts). I really enjoy beans/legumes and have numerous hummus, baked, refried, etc recipes that I eat a lot of.
    I really want to turn this around, but the texture is just off-putting. I told my wife this summer I'm going to get $#!tfaced drunk and eat a salad, but that might not be the way to go. Is there a way I can get into eating vegetables and eventually fruit that might not involve leaping in while inebriated?

    Google various parings like I did here.
    Also go to, make an account, and try various search terms.

    Beans and corn. ~~ Black Bean and Corn Quesadillas
    Beans and potatoes ~~ Black Bean and Corn-Topped Potatoes
    Beans and carrots ~~ Kidney Bean-Vegetable Soup (omit any tomatoes)
    Beans and tomato sauce ~~ American-Style Red Beans and Rice
    If you like hummus you also might like ~~ Roasted Chickpeas