Accurate calorie counting

I have found that sometimes when typing to find calorie content on a food e.g.: grapefruit I can come up with several different answers on My Fitness Pal. I am glad when I can scan barcodes but if I type in something like "egg white" a ton of different listing show up with different answers show up. Is there anywhere I can go to get really accurate calories and grams or ounces on different foods?


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    edited February 2015
    ​Here are some tips on searching the Food Database.

    Search for eggs in the format "eggs - whole" or "eggs - white"
    Search for vegetables in the format "vegetable - raw"
    Search for fruit in the format "fruit - raw"
    Search for raw meat in the format "chicken - meat raw" or "beef - meat raw"
    Search for cooked meat in the format "chicken - meat cooked" or "beef - meat cooked"

    These searches should bring up the MFP-entered items at the top of the search list, identified by no asterisk on the Web version, or no Brand / Restaurant or Generic identification on the mobile apps.

    You can also add USDA to the search, but those items are user-entered and could be inaccurate.

    Edited to add link to USDA National Nutrient Database.
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    The USDA has a nutrient database that you can use to confirm the MFPs entries. Just google "USDA nutrient database" The more you use this site, the easier it will be to recognize entries that may be incorrect, as well as to recall the correct stats for foods that you eat frequently.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I always do an internet search when something seems too good to be true or seems way too high. I had something the other day say the correct calories, but 46 grams of fat....but in reality there was no fat LOL. Deleted and picked one that was correct.