Soda and fizzy pop



  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm comparing an addiction that kills with an addiciton that kills.

    The OP said "I know some people say "treat yourself, you deserve it" but I don't want to! I don't want to eat something grease laden and get the taste back for unhealthy food, which is what I know will happen! I've discovered after multiple attempts at weight loss, that rewarding myself at the end of each weak is a bad idea! "
    and wasn't looking for people to tell him to go ahead and have the food he is trying to avoid....he wanted healthy alternatives

    The point is people CAN get off crack but they CAN'T get off food...that's why people need healthy alternatives, not just a "go ahead have a bit" mentality shoved at them.
    Obviously I'd rather see someone drinking soda than someone doing drugs...but I wouldn't tell anyone looking to get off either to just go ahead and have a little!!
    If you know people who - having quit soda for a while - lost their house, their spouse, their job, their car, and/or started turning tricks in order to score some more Orange Crush, I might consider your comparison legitimate. Otherwise, it's rather disproportionate.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    For chips (crisps?) you can make your own in the microwave in less than 10 minutes. Take a potato, weigh it, record the calories. Wash it. Slice it super thin. A mandolin slicer is great for this. Lightly spray a sheet of wax paper with Pam. Lay your potato slices single layer on the paper. Stick it in the nuker. Nuke on high until they start to brown (6ish mins? Depends on how thick they are). You do need to keep an eye on them as once they start to brown they brown very quickly. I like mine just slightly burnt. Boom. Potato chips for only the calories in the potato!
  • JudibugDesigns
    JudibugDesigns Posts: 38 Member
    I'm comparing an addiction that kills with an addiciton that kills.

    The OP said "I know some people say "treat yourself, you deserve it" but I don't want to! I don't want to eat something grease laden and get the taste back for unhealthy food, which is what I know will happen! I've discovered after multiple attempts at weight loss, that rewarding myself at the end of each weak is a bad idea! "
    and wasn't looking for people to tell him to go ahead and have the food he is trying to avoid....he wanted healthy alternatives

    The point is people CAN get off crack but they CAN'T get off food...that's why people need healthy alternatives, not just a "go ahead have a bit" mentality shoved at them.
    Obviously I'd rather see someone drinking soda than someone doing drugs...but I wouldn't tell anyone looking to get off either to just go ahead and have a little!!
    If you know people who - having quit soda for a while - lost their house, their spouse, their job, their car, and/or started turning tricks in order to score some more Orange Crush, I might consider your comparison legitimate. Otherwise, it's rather disproportionate.

    Drugs don't discriminate based on income level of the user...I wouldn't recommend it to someone who could afford it because the issue isn't with what they are doing to get it, it's what it does to their body...and the desire to quit something harmful should be commended no matter if the substance is soda, drugs, alcohol, fried foods or whatever.
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    Although RllyGudTweetr has a very good point, I kind of agree with you Judibug. I guess what we need to do is discern between what is an outrageous choice and what might soothe the savage beast within us. I'm just 10 days in and so far haven't had a huge desire for treats ... but pretty sure a little bit of dark chocolate won't kill me when that time comes.

    My favorite way to 'pretend' I'm not on a diet is to have a reasonable sized plate of large shrimp, sauteed in a teaspoon of real butter, some garlic and chili powder. Under 200 calories and like being in heaven!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Instead of cutting things out, I cut back. I know I shouldn't have that soda, but if I really want one that bad, I'll have one. Today I had soda, chocolate, and still stayed well under my calorie goal. If I deprive myself of something, I'm more likely to binge. For example, I hadn't had pizza in so long, a couple weekends ago I ate an entire medium Papa John's pizza... by myself. It seems like that's the road you're taking.

    I disagree with the whole food-crack comparison, and think that there's a difference between a food addiction and a crack addition. I don't think an addiction to soda (while I do agree it's real) is as nasty as a crack addiction. I know many people who have successfully cut back slowly on drinking sodas. My roommate used to drink almost 2 liters of Coke per day, and now only has one small bottle per week, if that! He did it by just reminding himself how bad it is for him and that he should have less.