Fat all your life? Me too!

admegamo Posts: 175 Member
So, I am looking for any friends, however, I find that I relate more to people who have been fat all their lives like me. It's probably just me but I feel like while we're all trying to get healthy, ... Actually seriously just speaking for myself, I feel like I'm on a totally different mental path than people who used to be thin and is not anymore. I don't know if that makes sense.

I guess what I'm actually saying is that this is they only body type I know. When I was in 4th grade, I weighed 165lbs. 10lbs more than my, at the time, mostly muscular mom. For me, while I'm determined to get healthy, losing weight is also scary for me. I fight stupid thoughts all the time and when I do start to see the weightloss, I usually eat it back.

I don't know if other people in situations similar to mine feel the same way but it would be nice to befriend people who truly understand and empathize. I hope that we can support each other and remind each other what our real goals are so that we don't allow ourselves to be consumed by fear of "becoming someone new". Because we're always going to be ourselves, just healthier physically and mentally.

Please add me if you are interested in being friends. I don't discourage anyone from being friends with me, I just wanted to put my thoughts out here so that if anyone is in a similar mindset/situation they know they have someone to take this journey with.


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Up until a year and a half ago, I had been fat my entire life with varying degrees of health. I lost weight once by basically becoming anorexic (I was eating only 200-300 calories a day, max), but I gained it all back as soon as I stopped. I decided to be healthy this time and have lost, and kept off, 90 lbs. It can be done, and you can do it. Feel free to add me. Good luck.
  • KimberleyS0624
    KimberleyS0624 Posts: 216 Member
    I absolutely feel the way you do
  • chartt
    chartt Posts: 31
    I feel the same way! I have always been a big girl. feel free to add me.:flowerforyou:
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for the responses. I was a tad afraid that I would get more negativity. I guess because it's the first time I've posted. I'm thankful for the support. ^_^
  • khall627
    khall627 Posts: 47
    I completely understand and up until a few years ago I basically accepted that I was "supposed" to be bigger and it wasn't going to change.

    Request sent :)
  • SemperCierra
    I laugh at all the commercials of women saying they can "finally fit into jeans they wore in high school!!!1!". I've been overweight my entire life, and I actually am tons healthier now than I ever was in high school or even before... And that's saying something! I'll gladly be your friend. :)
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    So, I am looking for any friends, however, I find that I relate more to people who have been fat all their lives like me. It's probably just me but I feel like while we're all trying to get healthy, ... Actually seriously just speaking for myself, I feel like I'm on a totally different mental path than people who used to be thin and is not anymore. I don't know if that makes sense.

    I guess what I'm actually saying is that this is they only body type I know. When I was in 4th grade, I weighed 165lbs. 10lbs more than my, at the time, mostly muscular mom. For me, while I'm determined to get healthy, losing weight is also scary for me. I fight stupid thoughts all the time and when I do start to see the weightloss, I usually eat it back.

    I don't know if other people in situations similar to mine feel the same way but it would be nice to befriend people who truly understand and empathize. I hope that we can support each other and remind each other what our real goals are so that we don't allow ourselves to be consumed by fear of "becoming someone new". Because we're always going to be ourselves, just healthier physically and mentally.

    Please add me if you are interested in being friends. I don't discourage anyone from being friends with me, I just wanted to put my thoughts out here so that if anyone is in a similar mindset/situation they know they have someone to take this journey with.

    Yep, me too. I also don't get these people that want to be the weight/size they were in high school...umm, no thanks, that was about 240-250lb!! I was 143lb in 3rd grade. I remember, we had to weigh in class. It's totally different perspective for me than others - I still mentally see myself as bigger, as I always *was* bigger. It's still mind-boggling to me that I don't have to shop plus sizes, much less that I can probably fit a single digit size (albeit snug!) now. I'm at my smallest adult (or even before 18) weight, and every lb I lose, is a new lowest weight.

    Welcome, and best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • aTallLiam
    aTallLiam Posts: 75
    I'm still losing my weight, but man.. I feel a whole lot better!
    I have been obese my entire life, until I started dieting and exercising about 4 months ago. All my friends were at a healthy weight, but I was the obese one. But, it doesn't really matter, as long as they aren't mean about it, which they weren't :laugh:
  • ton40orbust
    ton40orbust Posts: 155
    Been obese my whole life, feel free to add me.
  • nerding4ever
    I've been a chunko my entire life, and only once (during first 2 years of college) was i ever slimmer. Add me good people!
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    I laugh at all the commercials of women saying they can "finally fit into jeans they wore in high school!!!1!". I've been overweight my entire life, and I actually am tons healthier now than I ever was in high school or even before... And that's saying something! I'll gladly be your friend. :)

    I think about that too...But seriously, I was a size 18, I'd be happy to just reach that point. Hahaha
  • Yami97
    Yami97 Posts: 15
    Count me in. I've been heavy all my life. I remember 12/14 sizes and long for those days. (an 8/10 would be a DREAM COME TRUE!) I've lost 17.2 since the beginning of May. Just by counting calories and adding exercise. I'm sure I would have lost more, but I slid a couple of weekends. I'm making today a new fresh start and looking forward to what else I can lose.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Hello & Welcome! You or anyone else are more than welcome to add me. I have been using this site regularly for 86 days. I love it and I love the motivation from my pals on here. I offer lots of support. Blessings on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • ambrosia79
    ambrosia79 Posts: 33 Member
    Me, too! I remember being 156 in 5th grade. I was in sports from 4th-my first year in college and still never was at a healthy BMI. Twice I got down to about 170 and was very fit, so that's why my goal weight is 170, even though BMI says I should be 150 at the most. I am a terrible overeater. If I could conquer that, I would probably lose the weight quickly.
  • ninessential
    Hey there. Put a pic up so we can see you! :flowerforyou: Anyways I would love to be your friend. I can totally relate to being fat 'all my life' thing. I can't wait to hit the 100s!!! Not too far away! Feel free to add me or I'll add you first. Whoever gets to it first. haha! Stick with it and don't give up. Just have fun pleasing yourself and stay positive!!!
  • DSK80
    DSK80 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been struggling with weight most of my life , I gained / lost weight , reached my ideal weight to gain it all over again.

    4 months ago, I decided to go on my last diet and despite taking that decision, the only thing I have been doing is loosing 10 pds and getting them back in two weeks time. So I started asking myself why I am doing this and why I allow things to collapse.

    Finally the word "Fear" came to my mind is Fear, Fear of failure , Fear of change, Fear of what would happen next and I realized that it is been my drive as well as my prison.

    I am starting this journey today, the important thing for me is to embrace a healthy lifestyle, exercise and reach my ideal weight , 155, which I have 60 pds to loose in a period of 6 months.

    I would like to have likemided people supporting me on this journey

    Feel Free to add me as a friend :tongue:
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    I have been big all my life as well. When I was quite active in early pre-teen years doing sports, i think i weighed about 170-180lbs. That is why I made my goal weight 175 lbs- that is the smallest I can imagine myself being at this point. But I haven't been under 200lbs for a long time.

    I do remember being a size 16 when I started high school. And it just kept going up slowly and steadily from there with a few ups and downs along the way.
  • crissygm
    crissygm Posts: 42 Member
    I completely understand and up until a few years ago I basically accepted that I was "supposed" to be bigger and it wasn't going to change.

    Request sent :)

    I have felt that way most of my life too!
  • newmomma29
    newmomma29 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been fat my whole life too :( Its hard to deal with and now I've had two kids and am at the heaviest ever!! Even while I was pregnant. Feel free to add me too good friends ;)
  • crissygm
    crissygm Posts: 42 Member
    My whole life I felt like I was fat and that was it! I was in my late teens by the time I realized I didn't have to be fat any more. I have never been a "normal" weight. Well, maybe when I was in kindergarten! Now that I've had two kids, and I am done having kids I'm finally ready to try and get to "normal" weight range.