
Hey everyone :) new here. Trying to eat as little amount of calories as HEALTHILY for my body as I can. Looking to lose 40 lbs. would love some tips :) thanks


  • vmdave
    vmdave Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Sarah I am David . IF you are going to try that route I would suggest spreading your meals out you don't want o get hypoglycemic.
  • Ultimate_Beast
    Ultimate_Beast Posts: 38 Member
    then as a minimum you need to be eating 1200 cals
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    How low calorie are you talking about? What i consider safe and healthy might be different than what you think.
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    Elllo govna!!!