Fit girls guide

my friend introduced me to the Fit Girlss Guide on Instagram a while back but I never bought the plan. Has anyone tried it or is currently doing it now? Opinions? Is it worth it?


  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    I mean, it's all going to come down to calorie deficit, but if you're happy to pay money to have someone else tell you what to eat then that's up to you, I guess. DO you know how many daily calories the plan is? Also a couple of red flags from the site: it claims 'flat tummy eating' and 'burn more calories throughout the day' with 'no gym required'- just be aware that there are no foods that make your stomach smaller or raise your metabolism. Possibly the plan includes food that has less chance of causing water retention but that has nothing to do with fat loss and you can do that all on your own by watching sodium intake and keeping hydrated.

    Summary: It isn't going to do anything that a calorie deficit and exercise won't do, and there are tons of resources on this very website that will help you do that for free. In my opinion, save your money.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
  • traceychambers216
    traceychambers216 Posts: 1 Member
    What they mean by "no gym required" is that you don't have to be a member at a gym to complete the exercises they have. They promote clean eating as in lots of fruit and veggies and lean meat but they also encourage staying hydrated. I learned a long time so that just because you feel "hungry" your body isn't wanting food, its wanting water. I've been doing the 28 day jump start program for almost 2 months now and I've lost inches as well as lbs and I still get full after eating a meal from their cook books. At first I thought of it as a "diet" because that's what every says when they need or want to lose weight. "oh I need to go on a diet". Everyone is already on a diet because whatever you eat IS your diet. If you have a "lifestyle change", then you change the way you live- including your food intake or diet, and the amount or style of exercise you do. For me, my biggest lifestyle change was exercise. I ate fairly healthy before but I never took time to move my body and burn off calories I had stored in my fat cells. It took me 2 months of walking a mile 4 nights a week and that stupid "military diet" to lose and keep off 10 lbs but I gained it back at the holidays when i stopped starving myself. I got tired of fixing two different meals 3 times a day and always being hungry. with the meal plan in the fit girl's guide, I can fix the same meal for my hubby and I, we both like the recipes but what's great is that you can get creative with the flavors and still be in a good calorie range, feel full and you aren't heavy and tired after eating. Any time hubby eats take out now he feels tired and wants to have a nap. I love how it has helped us open the door to veggies we wouldn't have eaten before. I never would have eaten a roasted bell pepper with a simple chicken or tuna salad in it but now I'll fix it almost every Friday night cause I won't eat pot pies or chicken strips with the rest of the family on kfc family night. I'll be there with them, but I'll have my own meal and I've got a yummy salad and the pepper with my protein stuffed in it and a boiled egg too. And I'll get jealous looks too cause it not only tastes good and fills me up, it looks good too! I also rarely ate kale and Brussel sprouts but now they are nearly an every day or weekly food item on the menu. Broccoli and asparagus have always been 2 of my least favorite vegetables but now I know how to fix them so I like them! Yeah I could have looked up a recipe for free on how to cook asparagus but striving to stick with the food plan made me buy asparagus and I willingly ate it. The last time i had eaten asparagus was when I was a teen and my parents made me eat it or I'd lose my Internet privileges for the rest of the week (or something like that). I'm eating squash and sweet potatoes with my own free will and my mom had tried and tried for years to get me to just taste it. I probably would have never tried a nectarine or put cinnamon on my strawberries. For me, it has been beneficial. The spirit and support of the other girls on instagram have been awesome and inspiring and help me through a tough day. Yeah I spent 24$ on an ebook, but it is helping me change my mind and body so I can feel better about myself physically. I am still overweight, but I can see and feel the difference this program is helping me achieve. It renews the passion in me to get my body to a healthy weight and I know that when I reach my goal, I'll feel confident in becoming a mother because I'll have a healthy body for a baby to grow in. And I'll already have the knowledge to get my body back into shape and I'll have enough energy to be able to keep up with the kid which was something I've been worried about since hubby and I first started about having a baby. You decide: is it better to buy a book once and have a grocery list and snack ideas and an exercise calender and be able to do all the stuff at home plus have an awesome support group on instagram OR would it be better to pay monthly gym memberships and use up more gas in your car to drive there and back, maybe have a few sessions with a trainer to help guide you in the direction you want to go and then have to figure out what meal would be low calorie... think of all that money you would be spending with choice # 2. I'm sticking with choice # 1 cause it works for me. Good luck in your endeavors!
  • MariaMia816
    MariaMia816 Posts: 23 Member
    I joind April 20th....Round 1 hit me up @fitgirl_mariamia B)
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Instagram: @fitgirl_candigurl started my first round May 23rd
    I've been on MFP since 2010 and its great for logging ONLY (to me) but the community on MFP is more negative than FGG on instagram.

    The calorie count daily average with FGG Im finding it to be 1400.
    As far as the price of $19.99 I probably would have spent that on something I shouldn't be eating or didn't need in the first place so I don't see the difference. LOL!!!