WHY can't a net carb category be added?

I know it's easy to subtract the fiber from your daily carb value to figure out your net carbs BUT It freaks me out to see the dang negative carbs when it thinks I've gone over. It's psychological I guess. GRRRRR....just had to vent, thanks!


  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    Sorry, I meant to post this in the low carb group, is there any way it can be moved?
  • Sutnak
    Sutnak Posts: 227 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just create a new food called "net carbs." The food should have 0 calories and be -1 carbohydrate. Enter however many servings you need to after eating a food with "net carbs."

    Don't remove calories! food label rules allow insoluble fiber/sugar alcohol etc calories to NOT be counted on the package. They are already removed.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Jenn :) I can move your thread for you just let me know where the group you'd like it moved to is. There are a lot of low carb groups just let me know which one you're in. :)

    MFP Greeter
  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    Its this one

    Low Carber Daily Forum....The LCD Group

    Thanks so much!