

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I have found that no matter what kind of exercise I do, I feel better after. I also love peppermint tea for bloating and gas. I've just ordered some enteric coated peppermint capsules because they're supposed to be really good for soothing the intestinal tract. The enteric coating keeps them from opening until they're in your intestines so I won't get peppermint heartburn. ;)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Has any of you found any exercises that have helped to decrease your bloating and gas pains. I found some yoga poses on pinterest that I may try. Bogus info ?

    Yoga is marvelous. Good ahead and try the poses your found.
  • shrinkingtina
    shrinkingtina Posts: 686 Member
    Please let us know how the yoga worked. I'd love to try it. Maybe send the link or something so I can give it a whirl? Thanks :smiley:
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    I'm so sorry your doctors were no real help. So much sympathy for that. And I just wanted to wish you well on your search for what's going on; you can totally do this!

    I was sick for quite a while, myself, and while the GI doctors found one thing wrong, they were no help at all most of the problems. I ended up doing a lot of food elimination for a few years, dropping foods that didn't work and trying to figure out what the heck was going on. But I kept getting sicker. I started noticing that some smells were making me sick, so I avoided those. Some chemicals were making me feel sick, so I avoided those. Exercising was making me sick, so I tried to cut down on that.

    And I felt crazier and crazier, but I still kept researching and trying things out, trying to find correlations to my symptoms and known illnesses and problems, and I finally found it. I went in to my doctor to ask about a rare disorder that seemed to match my symptoms, he referred me to a specialist, and lo and behold, that's what I had*.

    I guess I'm just sharing this as a 'you can do this' kind of encouragement, you know? Even if you end up doing most of the leg work, the internet today is a GREAT place to try and track down what's wrong with you, and you can go back to a doctor to get confirmation, if needed.

    Personally, if this diet doesn't work, the GAPS diet is one where they drop the foods way, way down, and then slowly build it back up, with homemade probiotics at the same time, to try and improve gut health. The theory behind it is so-so, but I know many people with bad stomach issues who found it useful as a diet to help them figure out what foods were causing problems, you know?

    And if THAT doesn't work, I would highly recommend doing things like checking out, say, the forums, or forums for other conditions that have symptoms to match yours. Because many times, these folks have had to search for years to find out what's wrong, and they often know of many OTHER diseases and conditions that could be the problem, so they can be useful source of information in your hunt for what could be wrong, you know?

    *If you're curious, I have something called a mast cell activation disorder. It's where the body starts having allergic reactions to things that its either not allergic to, or that aren't even allergens at all. So you can start having allergic reactions to foods, pollen, chemicals (even the chemicals that make up a scent), physical stress, even wacko things like changes in altitude or temperature, sometimes!. Like I said, it's really rare, and if I can finally get help for something that oddball? There's definitely hope that you can find help for gut issues, right? ^_~
  • JennetteAllan
    JennetteAllan Posts: 4 Member

    Here's where I found the yoga poses. It's for IBS, but they definitely helped to get rid of some gas and belly bloat. P.S. I did these after my husband and daughter were in bed :wink:
  • Teamcampo
    Teamcampo Posts: 25 Member
    Have you tried finding a doctor (most gastros will test for this though) that tests for Sibo (Small Intestional Bacteria Overgrowth)?