Losing weight and gaining cellulite!?!??

Every since I have started working out and eating right, I have lost a lot of weight. But another thing I have gained is cellulite on my inner thighs! I was walking with my boyfriend today, and I looked down and my legs and there is tons!! I never had this much when I was around 145 and now I am a little more than 10 lbs lighter and I have more! What is this!?


  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that cellulite gets worse before it gets better, because it's coming to the surface or something like that (you can tell I'm clearly an expert on the subject haha).
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Cellulite 'worse' after dieting
    Losing weight may actually make cellulite worse, a study suggests.
    Around 85% of women have cellulite - with celebrity magazines delighting in spotting famous women with tell-tale "orange peel" dimples on their thighs.

    US plastic surgeons monitored 29 women who lost weight, and found slimmer women who lost little weight and had looser skin had worse cellulite.

    British plastic surgery experts said cellulite was "a fact of life" and that there was no cure.

    Cellulite, which can develop on the stomach, thighs and bottom, is caused in the bands of fibrous tissue which connect muscles to skin.

    When fat, fluids and toxins are trapped beneath the skin, the bands become hard and tight and the fat is compressed. It is this which causes the dimpling effect.

    Age can make skin layers look thinner, and so cellulite looks worse.

    Methods suggested to reduce the dimples include exercising and drinking plenty of water.

    But millions of pounds are spent each year on creams, patches and other products which claim to get rid of cellulite.

    Skin elasticity

    This study was carried out by researchers from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

    The women were all enrolled in medically-supervised weight-loss programmes including eating low-fat meals, liquid diets, anti-obesity medication and surgery - gastric bypass and gastric banding - were studied.

    “ Cellulite is simply part of life ”
    Douglas McGeorge, British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
    Their body mass index (BMI) - which indicates if someone is a healthy weight - was measured before and after their weight loss programme or surgery.

    The average weight loss was 30.5lb, but the amounts lost ranged between 2.3lb and 102lb.

    Out of the group, 17 saw an improvement in the appearance of their cellulite while nine found it get worse.

    Patients who saw the biggest improvements were those who lost the most weight and so lowered their percentage of thigh fat.

    They had a higher BMI at the start of the study, and more severe cellulite.

    The women whose cellulite worsened were those who had previously had a significantly lower BMI, lost smaller amounts of weight and had no change in percentage of thigh fat.

    How elastic their skin was after weight loss was also crucial, as cellulite became worse in those whose skin became significantly looser after weight loss.

    John Kitzmiller, a plastic surgeon and co-author on the study, said: "Cellulite is not specific to overweight people but excess weight may worsen the condition.

    "We found that weight loss in overweight patients improved the appearance of cellulite, but for a few it actually worsened the condition.

    "Although the appearance of cellulite diminished for the majority of patients, weight loss did not totally eradicate the condition.

    "The dimples appear to be permanent features that lessen in depth as the pounds come off."

    The researchers said more research needed to be carried out.

    Douglas McGeorge, president-elect of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, said: "Cellulite is simply part of life. There is simply no cure for it yet."

    Story from BBC NEWS:
  • kjrosa
    kjrosa Posts: 34
    wow :noway: ...thank you for sharing July24Lioness :flowerforyou:
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Wow! Great article!

    All I know is to make sure you are toning - weights, not just cardio
    drink heaps of water
    and even massaging the skin can help reduce it a bit
  • SilverRoxy
    SilverRoxy Posts: 64
    Thanks for the article...I've been reading a bit on the dreaded cellulite lately. I went to try on my bathing suit this year and almost died! I know I have to do more toning and just bought that 30-day shred, if only I can motivate myself to start doing it every day! I'm one of those people who lost a good amount of weight and \ just stuck at a certain weight....I'm a size 8/6 and would be happy with my size....just not the amount of gross jiggle! And shopping for a bathing suit this year....forget it, the easiest way to make you feel bad about yourself is to shop for a bathing suit.!

    Last night I bought that Nivea cellulite fast acting serum.... I'm not expecting miracles or anything, but hopefully it will make some improvement. I'm going on vacation next week....guess I'm going to be using the cover up again this year. *sigh*.

    One interesting thing I read is some people actually make a past out of coffee grounds and massage it into the skin, let it dry then rinse off. It sounds crazy but I wonder if it works. Ironically, they say to stay away from caffeine...I cant give up my morning coffee or I'll go nuts! Anyone have any other tips that seem to work before I go rubbing coffee grounds all over?! LOL.
  • SilverRoxy
    SilverRoxy Posts: 64
    Where did you hear that? I'm wondering if it's true....mine has definitely gotten a lot worse in just the past few weeks or so. Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thanks for the article...I've been reading a bit on the dreaded cellulite lately. I went to try on my bathing suit this year and almost died! I know I have to do more toning and just bought that 30-day shred, if only I can motivate myself to start doing it every day! I'm one of those people who lost a good amount of weight and \ just stuck at a certain weight....I'm a size 8/6 and would be happy with my size....just not the amount of gross jiggle! And shopping for a bathing suit this year....forget it, the easiest way to make you feel bad about yourself is to shop for a bathing suit.!

    Last night I bought that Nivea cellulite fast acting serum.... I'm not expecting miracles or anything, but hopefully it will make some improvement. I'm going on vacation next week....guess I'm going to be using the cover up again this year. *sigh*.

    One interesting thing I read is some people actually make a past out of coffee grounds and massage it into the skin, let it dry then rinse off. It sounds crazy but I wonder if it works. Ironically, they say to stay away from caffeine...I cant give up my morning coffee or I'll go nuts! Anyone have any other tips that seem to work before I go rubbing coffee grounds all over?! LOL.

    Dry brushing and coconut oil is what I use and it is working wonders for me................

    I can PM you instructions for dry brushing, then rinse in cool water shower..............After the shower, rub coconut oil for moisturization.

    It is working for me............I need to take some "before, during and after" pics to show the results.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that cellulite gets worse before it gets better, because it's coming to the surface or something like that (you can tell I'm clearly an expert on the subject haha).

    I believe it gets worse before it gets better because the fat cells have to shrink and it is my understanding that the fat cells fill with water before shrinking, so it gives the appearance of being "worse", but then it starts shrinking and the skin gets smoother........

    Something to that effect anyway.
  • JSAL6356
    JSAL6356 Posts: 12
    July 24 Lioness, can you post the instructions for dry brushing or send them to me too?? And please tell me where you get the coconut oil?? I have 6 weeks to lose about 6 more pounds and the cellulite is what is killing me looking good in my swimsuit. I need all the help I can get!! I am now using the Nivea serum and the lotion in conjuction with each other. I have been doing it for 2 weeks and I have not seen a change yet. But I did not take before pics. I would love to see your before/after pics!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Here is the thread I created.

    Let me know if anyone has any questions.

  • JSAL6356
    JSAL6356 Posts: 12
    Thank you so much!