Daily Calorie Help!

I have a question about my daily calorie intake. So I have lost over 10 lbs. Yeah! MyFitnessPal gave me a badge as I'm sure many of you have experienced it. Then they asked me if I wanted to reasses my caloric goals and I said sure. I did the reevaluation and my caloric goals went up from 1860 to 2080. Aren't these a bit high ? Shouldn't my daily calorie goal go from high to low? Or am I missing something here?


  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Did you change your fitness level or you loss per week goal?
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    It likely shouldn't have gone up. Normally it would go down a little bit, since a body that's 10lbs lighter requires less energy to keep going each day.

    Echoing the above poster, here are some reasons why it might have gone up:
    • Did you slow your weight loss goal, e.g. from 2lbs/week to 1.5lbs/week?
    • Did you increase your daily non-exercise activity level, e.g. from sedentary to lightly active?
    • Did you reach your goal weight and tell MFP you wanted to maintain instead of lose?

    If any of the above is true, that would explain it.

    If it's none of the above, it could be a glitch -- you can file a bug report in the "help" section. I know there are some issues right now with the goals section on the iOS app, which are supposed to be fixed on the next release.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Did you change your fitness level or you loss per week goal?
    Nope, I left it at sedentary.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    It likely shouldn't have gone up. Normally it would go down a little bit, since a body that's 10lbs lighter requires less energy to keep going each day.

    Echoing the above poster, here are some reasons why it might have gone up:
    • Did you slow your weight loss goal, e.g. from 2lbs/week to 1.5lbs/week?
    • Did you increase your daily non-exercise activity level, e.g. from sedentary to lightly active?
    • Did you reach your goal weight and tell MFP you wanted to maintain instead of lose?

    If any of the above is true, that would explain it.

    If it's none of the above, it could be a glitch -- you can file a bug report in the "help" section. I know there are some issues right now with the goals section on the iOS app, which are supposed to be fixed on the next release.

    The only thing I can guess is that I must have changed it before to something lower and have forgotten but if it is a glitch then I will file a big report for android since I'm using KitKat instead of iphones iOS. xD Not a fan is iOS. Too restrictive.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I'm on Android, too. Did you try setting it using the website instead of the app? I think there are some issues with the app but the website seems to work fine.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    You got a badge? I've lost 37 lbs and no one gave me a badge.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    You got a badge? I've lost 37 lbs and no one gave me a badge.
    Yeah, like an internet badge sort of thing. It just popped up and disappeared. I'm sorry. ;-;