Recurring back of knee pain

I started running -both on the treadmill and outside- two months ago. I took it slow, as I am not much of a runner. I slowly lengthened my jogs from 10 minutes to 20-25. However, two weeks ago I felt great and I ran for 30min on the treadmill two days in a row. On the second day, I started to feel a sharp pain in the back of my left knee by the end of my jog. I stopped running but by the next day I felt that same pain when I walked, especially down the stairs. Upon advice from friends, I stopped running and did only the elliptical for cardio. I also started doing some weight lifting on both the leg extension and lying leg curl machines to strengthen the muscles around my knees.

So today, two weeks later, I went for a 15min slow (8kph) jog outside. The first 13min went great but then as I went up a slight hill, the pain came back...

Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? Stop running? More lifting? I tried the stationary bike but it also hurt. And I'm not a very good swimmer. I only know the breaststroke, which is hard on knees...


  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    The back of my knee has been hurting the last couple of days... But I'm mostly fine as long as I'm moving around. But I work a desk job and every time I stand up, I'm stiff and in pain right behind my knee....Is it from inadequate stretching or something else?
  • skendrick0601
    skendrick0601 Posts: 58 Member
    I am not an expert, but when I experienced similar pain, my trainer had me stretch my quads and hamstrings a few times daily (at least 3 x's/day). Hold each stretch for a count of 10 slow counts. Stretching your calves and shins may help as well (point your toe straight and hold, then flex your foot and hold). I also stopped doing the exercise that caused the pain until the pain subsided. Try icing it at night for about 15 mins. If you take a warm shower in the morning, do your first stretches imediately after (or even in the shower) while your muscles are warm. If after 3-5 days you've tried all of this and still have pain, see your dr. There may be some interior inflamation that needs deep tissues treatment. If you aren't opposed to over the counter meds, anti-inflamatories such as Aleve or Ibuprofen will help as well.

    If you experience ANY pain while stretching....STOP! Call your dr.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    A recurring sharp pain behind the knee is unusual and should be checked out by a doctor, to find out what you are dealing with (tendonitis, ligament tear, meniscal tear, cyst, etc). Ideally see a sports doctor / orthopedist.