Back Surgery Comeback

Long story short - 32 year old male, spent a year getting back into shape after a few years of no real athletic activity. Was in great shape and dropped 32lbs, ready to start running obstacle races and maybe start doing crossfit when I experienced some back pain. Pain turned out to be a benign tumor on my spine. Surgery to remove it, and a couple months of recovery I am. Released to begin training again.

Now - I have to get my nutrition back under control after a few months of excess AND begin training slowly to allow my back to recover from having several muscles snipped and stitched and from the atrophy of going unused for a decent amount of time.

Decided to try this app as a means of accountability. Thanks!


  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    I put on weight with age and inactivity after fracturing three vertebrae in 2010, had the rods removed in 2012. I started exercising 6 months after my fall, and logged on here 12 months ago when I was faced with increasing waist line.

    Luckily, I had keyhole surgery to slot the rods in and also when they were removed, so no muscles were cut. My surgeon told me to be 'spine aware'. I do stretch/warm up exercises for 30 min at least 4 times per week when I am in my normal mon-fri work routine. When I'm out of routine and dont stretch, I get sore.

    I found this app great for logging my food calories and realising how much I was overeating. It took me a few weeks to log daily but it helps.
  • Bludgeon730
    Bludgeon730 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome, glad to hear it's helping and glad to hear you're doing well after surgery!
  • aksteve777
    aksteve777 Posts: 184 Member
    i was in an accident in 2008 and broke my back in six places as well and fractured knees and gave me a traumatic brain injury. Yogo was key in moving again, getting the courage to try.