tired of being overweight.

Hi I am Bev. I have had problems with loosing weight for years. I am 58 and it goes on easy but won't come off. I have tried a lot of things but nothing seems to work. The weight just stays the same. I hope by tracking my calories and exercise here I can see what I am doing wrong and fix it. I really suffer with my back and need to loose the weight.


  • Hi Bev. I'm 49 and I feel the same way. I lost twenty pounds then christmas hit, gained ten back. I just bought an exercise bike yesterday and a bunch of veggies haha. So I'm back to no carbs high protein. Which is hard cause I love my carbs. Oh, I'm Sharon btw. I'm new to this too
  • Hi Sharon; I am about 30lbs overweight and suffer from it. I hope this will work. Was able to stay under my calorie and carb allowance for yesterday, lets see what today brings. I will have to take it one day at a time. I have an elliptical that I try to use daily but normally get in about 3 times a week. I am doing more veggies too not sure how that will work because I still feel hungry after. Take care. We can do this. :D
  • Hi Bev... and Sharon... I'm Andrea... and new to all this as well... at 41 I am well over 100lbs over weight... its time to make this change... we will get there... slow and steady... some days will be good - some won't... Feel free to add me as a friend... we can support each other...
  • JoseCastaneda
    JoseCastaneda Posts: 245 Member
    Hi there! congratulations on taking this step. It has worked for me, and hopefully you will all make it work for you too. You will eventually learn to eat smarter, exercise better, and it will pay off. Patience, persistence, and never give up! It is possible to make these changes.
  • faust2112
    faust2112 Posts: 5 Member
    Have Patience, MFP does work! I am new to the message boards here but not new to the app. I lost 50 lbs from May-Oct. 2013 using the app and riding the hell out of my bicycle...put it all back on by not continuing to count my caloric intake and falling back on old, unhealthy eating habits. Have been trying to correct that error since just before the new year. Losing more than 2 lbs. per week is unhealthy and quite hard to do unless you are supplementing with speed. Staying focused is key! Continue with your diet and exercise goals even when it seems you are ice skating uphill, there will be progress and you will feel better!
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I'm both new and old at this. I've had other MFP accounts that I just gave up on. The new me just achieved 5 days (fist pump!). I don't think that I was willing to change before. Now I am. Whole new me; here I come!
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    Hey guys, glad you found MFP.

    I've been at it for over a year now, and I've seen a lot of people have success here by following this simple method (burning more calories than you're consuming). The two things I think are key to success are patience and persistence.

    Like many people, you'll probably have bad days (or even weeks) which will discourage you greatly. You'll probably have those days where you fall off the wagon, so to speak. Personally, I've fallen off the wagon for weeks and almost erased the progress I'd made. But ya know what? Nothing kept me from starting over and getting back on track. As of this morning, I weigh less than I've weighed in almost 20 years.

    Making friends here on MFP is another valuable tool for success. It's fun cheering others on, and it's really helpful to have folks pat you on the back for your success in return. I owe my MFP friends a lot of credit for my success.

    Anyway, good luck in your journey!
  • 18cindy1
    18cindy1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there- I am new to this also. Not new to trying to lose weight. Have gone up and down for years. I am 47 and I know it will get harder the older I get. I am changing my mindset to not focusing on skinny and putting the emphasis on strength and health. I have been dutifully tracking for the last month and a half. I also have been really trying to be more conscious when and why I am eating-- hungry, bored etc. It has really helped me to not eat junk. Something has to really be worth the calories for me to eat it. I think of the exercise I put in and don't want to waste it on useless calories. I have been reading the forum for inspiration but haven't written before. Thanks everyone for the support out there!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Tracking calories helps a lot. Sometimes even when you think you're eating healthy, you're taking in more calories than you think. People also have a distorted idea of actual portion sizes.
  • Hi all :) I'm tired of being overweight too!! I'm new to MFP this week...47 year old who was skinny her whole life until I hit 40 and blew up lol...I'm trying to lose the weight to feel better about myself and for serious health reasons also. A friend told me about MFP this weekend and I really like it so far! Excited to be a part of this you all seem so nice!! Good luck to you all!
  • gigu67
    gigu67 Posts: 3
    Nice to see so many people trying to do the same thing. I am working hard at sticking to the calorie allowance. It looks like I am the oldest one here.... the big(little) old lady..lol. It is very hard to get in all the exercise everyday for me. there are days I just don't have the energy left. I pray that if I stick with MFP that this extra weight will come off. This is what happens when we have children late in life. I am happy to have all of you to talk to. Thanks for all the messages. Each one is a help in its own way. each has a tidbit of info that I put to use. Thanks all.