Hi. Does anyone else not want to let food control them?

Yeah, hello, I'm all for that. Sick of feeling like the food chooses me rather than myself choosing the food, you know?

I'm a 23 year old college student. At this exact same time last year, I lost 35 pounds. It was amazing and I really shocked myself. At some point in June, however, I stopped committing to healthy eating. I gained five pounds back (still a net loss of 30 pounds!) and I'm still looking to get down 20 more.

So, together, let's do this. I've been there before, going there again. I met some incredible people on here last time.

Absolutely feel free to add me as a friend (bonus points to good request messages). And if you need more convincing that I'm really cool, here's a picture of myself and my cat doing what we do:

mfp.jpg 37.5K


  • jessesunshine
    jessesunshine Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! I need a buddy! I am very little discipline. I do not have much to lose, maybe 15 pounds, but is the hardest 15 ever!