a new start

A few years ago, I lost quite a bit of weight on mfp. I'm trying to get a new start again. I have PCOS and am still hoping to get pregnant, but my biological clock is ticking and I'm starting to run out of time. I turned 40 in January. It was so hard for me, not because of the number, but because I still haven't achieved my one and only dream of being a mom. I need support from others who are going through the same process.

I have also just had surgery. A bladder tumor removal. It has been quite a scary process, since I didn't understand it all. However, it is done. I can't quite exercise yet, but I think I can at least walk, as long as I don't push myself too... I did yesterday and got in trouble for it. So, I'm going to start by monitoring what I eat and see how things go. I hope to be able to keep up with this, this time.