Tips for the highschool senior?

I"m trying so hard, to get back into a healthy weight by the time I start college in the fall! But it's really hard to keep up with an exercise plan, and eating healthy foods when I go to school. Lots of the foods I like to eat would require refrigeration or heat and I don't have that luxury even when I take my lunch to school.
Does anyone have tips on foods I could take? Easy exercises I can do? Or other tips?


  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    I was a hefty in high school. I remember the times. Take things that can be done in the cooler like carrots, string cheese, hummus (if you like it), etc. Avoid eating all lunch meat sandwhiches because of the high sodium content. If you are like me, I went out to eat a lot as a senior. I had a car, a job, and no bills. So I always went out. Don't do that.

    If nothing else, make small changes. Walk everywhere you can. Drink water instead of soda. Join a local gym and take some group fit classes or try out a weight lifting routine. It's not always easy but you can make it work. I took a non heatable cold lunch every day in high school before I was able to leave campus after getting a car. (Probably why I jumped on the eating out bad wagon so quickly!) Find a way to be a little more active every day. Walk an extra lap around the school before the morning bell, or before heading home. I always had to wait for traffic to clear anyway, so why not stroll instead of sitting in the car waiting to get in a fender bender? Good luck. :wink:
  • abbyegael97
    I could give some of that a try. Unfortunately, I don't have my license so I can't wait to leave a little later, or get to school earlier. I do like hummus (Well the couple times I 've tried it.) And I've gotten to where I like eating 'wraps' where I cut out bread, but use lettuce, cheese, and whatever meet we've go to substitute a 'sandwich.' I'm also working on cutting out the soda and tea. Caffeine is probably my biggest addiction.
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    Just make salads, wraps, sandwiches, etc. As long as you're logging correctly, you can pretty much eat whatever you want. Get a food scale and measure and weigh all your food as you make it. Bring apples, bags of veggies, healthy chips (like sweet potato, veggie, etc), protein bars, to just have in your bag in case you're starving during the day. And drink more water, less juice, soda, etc.

    As for exercise, the ultimate fix would be to go to a gym and get a trainer! I avoided exercise for years just out of sheer intimidation! It really helps your confidence and you then will know a few exercises to do on your own when you go to college. If that isn't an option, watch exercise videos on Youtube. There are a ton of exercises you can do that require little to no equipment. The only thing is that it's very hard to hold yourself accountable for doing them! If I didn't have a trainer waiting for me, I would never make it to the gym! haha

    Remember, this isn't a race. Your weight will come off so long as you accurately log all of your calories every day! I don't know how much you have to lose, but you could definitely make a huge dent in your weight by the time you leave for college. And once you develop healthy habits, you won't be amongst the other college kids gaining the freshman 15. Just keep logging!