Trying to maintain weight with a eating disorder

I am trying my best to keep weight but my eating disorder is getting the better of me. After every meal I feel fat and feel like I have to throw up. I don't know what to do. Can anyone help??


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    The help you need is beyond the capacity of a discussion board. Do you have a therapist you can talk to?
  • valskeete
    valskeete Posts: 53 Member
    The question is, is do you want to throw up from too much mass (lots of veggies) or from not bad choices (cake)?
  • Sheseeksstrength
    Sheseeksstrength Posts: 138 Member
    Ignore the last post, there is no such thing as "bad" food. There is food that has more nutrition in it. BUT THERE is room for it all in your diet!
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    You need to see a psychologist to help you get past your eating disorder. They can help you get to the real underlying problem and help you get past the issue.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Work with a therapist. Things that sometimes help me have been garnered from that field, and it's good to have support and/or help that knows how to help you on a professional level (which most friends, family and strangers - even if well meaning - don't generally have the capacity to do).

    If you are PHYSICALLY not feeling good from eating, it very well could be because of your ED; I still struggle with GI issues caused by my eating disorder. Your body will take time to adjust to eating normally, but the way to fix that is to keep eating in a healthy manner. And you're certainly not fat after you eat; maybe you're just temporarily bloated, again, because of the GI issues that often arise from EDs.

    I would say, from experience and my own advice to you, that perhaps this site isn't something you should use if you're still at that point in recovery. I still struggle with it everyday.