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So...What's My Excuse For Today?

Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
edited January 26 in Motivation and Support
I didn't get to be 280+ pounds without learning how to make excuses. I have made up some of the most outrageous reasons to justify being fat. In my youth, I was constantly looking for excuses.

When I was about 12 years old, someone asked, if I had a THYROID CONDITION. Sure...Why not? That sounds good. Especially, if it means that I can still keep eating candy bars all day long...in school and out. Then, my mom heard me say that to someone and took me to a doctor who ruled out that perfectly good excuse so fast and recommended that I be put on 1,200 calorie diet. That never happened.

I didn't know the word GENETICS, when I was a youngster; but I did think that I should be able to blame my ever-fattening body on someone else. Why not my parents? Unfortunately, my mom was some kind of freak, because she never gained weight. Who weighs only 125 pounds, when they are 9 months pregnant? Mom did, and she was skinny all of her life. On the other hand, my dad was a bit on the heavy side; but he was never as fat as me...even as a teen. Rats! I couldn't even blame my folks.

At age 14, I began doing a family history and learned where my family came from...their NATIONALITIES and my ETHIC BACKGROUND. It turned out that I was a real mutt, with family origins that nearly circled the globe. There were English, Irish, Welch, Scotch, German, Portugese, Peruvian, Brazilian, German, Australian, American Indian and a whole lot of other mixed breeds in my well-traveled family. That had to justify some of my fat...didn't it. No. There are too many normal size folks from those countries to blame any particular nation for my problem.

In my 20's, I got PREGNANT. Of course, the perfect excuse fell into my lap...or should I say...began to expand my lap. I was EATING FOR TWO...or maybe more. One thing for sure, I was putting on enough weight for quintuplets. That was the year that I first topped 200 pounds. What a huge disappointment came with the delivery of my son. He was a beautiful, healthy baby and only weighed 7.5 pounds. That left me with about a 50 pound surplus.

Now that I had passed through the gate of MOTHERHOOD and also entered into the world of EMPLOYMENT, I had another great excuse for eating. I was dealing with STRESS. Yes. Don't you think that raising a child and facing the challenges of work are enough reason to stuff my face with fast food...to grab whatever was cheap and easy for my meals during the day and all night long?

As a WORKING SINGLE PARENT, I had to make do with what I could afford and what didn't take time away from my BUSY SCHEDULE. One child + One work day + Sleep does not equal a busy schedule. As a matter of fact, I spent about 10 hours a day just eating and socializing with friends...which brings up another excuse or two...or ten.

By my mid to late 20's, I had a big SOCIAL LIFE. It began every day after work. I partied hearty with all kinds of really sociable folks...mostly sailors. My social group knew how to party! There was sex, drugs, booze and plenty of foods as well. The weekends were non-stop party time; and the men didn't seem to mind that I was fat, as long as I was available. So, I ate, drank and only did horizontal exercises. Note from my experience during those years: MARIJUANA does make you hungry and very stupid.

With men came HEARTBREAK. It seemed like men only came into my life to used me and leave me heartbroken and alone again. Yeah. I had a son, but I still felt ALONE without a man to tell me that I was 'beautiful', 'sexy'...even just 'okay'. Without that validation of me, I would fall into DEPRESSION. Of course, I had to eat...and eat...and eat, until someone else came into my life.

As I got older, I gave up the party scene and I married someone that I didn't love and didn't know. I married him, because I didn't think that I would ever find someone better. He turned out to be a ROTTEN, ABUSIVE HUSBAND and an ALCOHOLIC. Now, I knew that MY ONLY FRIEND WAS FOOD. Isn't that a good enough excuse for staying in a destructive marriage and steadily gaining weight. I learned to be a real liar and sneek eater, during those years. I hid from my husband and ate. I ate candy in bulk, buying chocolate covered anything in big bags and hiding it around the house. I reached my all-time high of 286 pounds and my all-time low. I just wanted to die. Two failed suicide attempts put me into the ER once and the mental hospital for a night. I was certainly justified in EATING MYSELF TO DEATH.

Throughout all of those years, I also had to deal with SPECIAL OCCASIONS, like BIRTHDAYS, POTLUCKS and ALL THOSE HOLIDAYS. Yes. I cooked, I was a great cook. Everyone knew that I made the best cakes, pies, cookies, fudge, potato salad, barbeque, deep fried you-name-it, Chinese, Japanese, Phillipino, Italian, Mexican or any other thing that you could stuff in your face. I was the go-to-girl for food. If I needed to make a couple of things for a party, I made few extras...just for me. Do you know anyone else who makes 52 pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving...except perhaps Marie Callender's?

This is real folks.

I divorced the abusive husband in 1994, and married the love of my life in 2004.

I am 68 years old now and confined to a wheelchair with only a few painful steps around the house with a walker, after carrying that weight for all those excuse-filled years. What can I use for an excuse now?

Well, I am OLDER and HANDICAPPED. Doesn't that mean that I have a SLOWER METABOLISM and CAN'T BE EXPECTED to eat and exercise like younger people? Afterall, I am SET IN MY WAYS. You CAN'T TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS; or expect a TOTAL CHANGE OF LIFE STYLE...at MY AGE?

Yes, YOU CAN!!!

I have run out of excuses. I have made a commitment to a low calorie food plan and exercise...every day of the week. FREE DAYS are just another excuse in my book. I am losing weight, while still in a wheelchair...still old...no matter what my metabolism might be. I still have a lot of life to live, and I am tired of excuses.


  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    you are amazing! The number of excuses I heard from others when I started this journey... either why they couldnt or why they thought I couldnt/wouldnt was amazing. Thank you for sharing this!
  • GreenEyedDork
    GreenEyedDork Posts: 42 Member
    I love this!!
    No more excuses for me either!
    I love reading your post :D you are so drivin it's inspiring!
  • jeanywren
    jeanywren Posts: 72 Member
    Wow, what an amazing story and how far you have come. One would have thought you always were the way you are now, strong, dedicated, beautiful. You are one dedicated, talented lady. I always look forward to your next blog.
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    fantastic words of wisdom...and THANKS for pointing out some of my own excuses...
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Oh, Rose! I gasped in crying reading this! I wish I could hug you right now! So honest and touching and real!
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    This is amazing. Thank you.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I knew that I had to do this post/blog, after reading a 4 page post about overeating and drinking alcohol on the weekends, while trying to stick to a food plan Monday through Friday which left all these 'partiers' with no progress in their weight loss journey. Post after post, all I kept reading was more and more of the same behavior and the same excuses. The folks posting seemed to be making the most obvious mistakes and justifying their horrible choices with lame excuses.

    There are too many young people destroying their chances at a better future by making excuses...and I have heard them all and probably used them all in my life.

    I write these posts/blogs, hoping to share some 'wisdom' acquired from 'surviving my life'. If I can reach some younger folks who are heading down the same path that I took...the one that hurt me, I might help them to make better choices and less excuses. I don't want others to having to learn the hard way what my kind of life does to you.

    There is an old saying..."The wise man (woman) learns from experience. The WISER man (woman) learns from the experience of others."
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    I love your posts.
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Bump for your amazing words of wisdom
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    Amazing post..thanks for sharing your life! God bless you!

    Shannon, Atl
  • BeTheFire
    BeTheFire Posts: 102 Member
    interesting read....thanks for sharing it.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I think everyone can relate to at least one excuse. It's good that you had the courage to make the choice to get out of the bad and into the healthy. So proud of you! :smile:
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Oh wow...I would have never, ever guessed about your past and all those excuses. I am so inspired by you and so glad you accepted me as a friend. You are a beautiful person. When I saw your MFP picture - I thought you just glowed with beauty and joy. I doubt it was easy to share so many personal excuses/setbacks, but I'm glad you did...keep on being the salt and the light!!!

    Shine on sister, shine on!!!!!
  • You're awesome. Seriously. This was wonderful to read, and I can see so much of the old me in it.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Awesome post. I too, went through the no more excuses phase. I still have to remind myself from time to time, but I'm keep on exercising.
  • anonniemouse
    anonniemouse Posts: 117 Member
    I think you are absolutely awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Oh wow...I would have never, ever guessed about your past and all those excuses. I am so inspired by you and so glad you accepted me as a friend. You are a beautiful person. When I saw your MFP picture - I thought you just glowed with beauty and joy.
    Some folks don't know me that well yet...even some of my MFP sisters and brothers. I am currently married to a pastor.

    My hubbie never did that kind of bad stuff in his life. He never drank alcohol, smoked or even fooling around with women...except his wife. He was and still is a holiness man.
    I doubt it was easy to share so many personal excuses/setbacks, but I'm glad you did...keep on being the salt and the light!!!

    Shine on sister, shine on!!!!!
    I am not afraid to share my personal story, because it is my testimony.

    My life experience makes me a useful tool in helping folks in our church life, especially kids. Nothing they can do or say is going shock me; and I am bold to share this kind of wisdom with kids who think that their sins are 'something new which us old folks would not understand'.

    Sin hasn't changed since Eden. They were making excuses back then too. "The woman made me do it." "The serpent tempted me...lied to me." Isn't it interesting that the first sinful act involved eating something and making excuses? It sure hasn't changed. *lol*
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Sin hasn't changed since Eden. They were making excuses back then too. "The woman made me do it." "The serpent tempted me...lied to me." Isn't it interesting that the first sinful act involved eating something and making excuses? It sure hasn't changed. *lol*

    Never thought about the first sin involving food...interesting perspective. You're right things haven't changed.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I love reading your posts too. Thank you and I wish you well on your weight loss journey.
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    All I can say is WOW! I think you hit on next to every excuse there is, LOL. My excuse for the last 10 years or so has been my artificial knees and my bad back. They kept me from moving. Then I used the excuse of not getting anything I wanted and if I couldn't have things my way then I could eat anything I wanted, feeling that was the only joy I could leech out of life. Now I have plenty of reasons to be joyful, four beautiful children and four gorgeous and wonderful grandchildren. How more blessed can a person be? Still I continued to whine about the state of my life, doing nothing to change it. Finally at the beginning of 2012 I decided I could not put on another pound having hit 272. So I started slowly losing 10 pounds in January and then joining MFP in February 2012. Well then my excuse for little progress is my thyroid disease...but you know what? I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and the weight was coming off. Not in the leaps and bounds that I wanted but still moving slowly. I began to move more everyday and now I am doing things I never dreamed I would do again. I walk miles nearly everyday. I do exercises I thought I could not do. Well here I am 18 months later with over 100 pounds lost.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Great inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    what a great story and i do have used many of those excuses during my life specially the mid 20 sailor one just for me it was us army soldiers.
    Best of luck to you and your journey
  • Momof52010
    Momof52010 Posts: 48 Member
    Truly inspiring
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    It's exciting when the lightbulb goes on.

    Here's one of mine:

    Energy month I have a PERIOD which takes control of my mind and DEMANDS junk food and CRAMPS that won't let me exercise! I'm helpless! NOT!

    You've empowered me!
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    people like you inspire me to keep on fighting.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,368 Member
    You're amazing!
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    You're amazing!

    She is isn't she.:smile:
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    You are absolutely amazing and very inspiring...No excuses is the best policy, if you want to succeed and have a healthy happy life! Thanks for posting this! :)
  • hegster23
    hegster23 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for sharing! You're so inspiring. No excuses is the only way to go.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Amazing, empowering, and inspirational. No more excuses for me! Best of luck on your journey!
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