What would you do?

Hi everyone, I'm Annie. A veteran to MFP, but recently decided to recommit to my health (am one day shy of a month of logging.) I am posting this because I am torn and can't decide what to do.... I slipped on some ice and toppled down a few stairs outside of my apartment building on Sunday night, bruising my tailbone in the process. For the last two days, I've been in a tremendous amount of pain and have skipped working out. Today, I am feeling slightly better. Should I attempt a low impact work out, such as the stair-climber on a low setting? Or just give myself a few days and try to eat as cautiously as I can? (I went 35 calories over my goal yesterday.) That, combined with not being able to attend my beloved Zumba classes has me feeling pretty deflated.

What are your thoughts, what would you do? Rest until pain/discomfort is entirely gone? Or attempt a very low-impact workout?

I don't want to lose momentum, but I don't want to be foolish either. Thoughts, please?


  • madhatter62122
    madhatter62122 Posts: 5 Member
    Well if that happened to me I would let my body heal itself. A few days of rest and still eating good would be better than jumping into exercise and further injury. I would think doing some stretches would help. You could use a heating pad also. Don't get to deflated. Injuries do happen and in the big picture, this is only a very small part of it. You've been able to go a month so be proud of the work you've accomplished. I hope this helps.
  • healthnut050
    healthnut050 Posts: 26 Member
    Always give your body time to heal. You do not want to damage it more and then you'll be down for even longer.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    When your body is healing, you need to be eating at maintenance or above.