Right shoulder blade is numb and sore???

Ok, so my right shoulder blade has been acting very strangely since yesterday afternoon. I was just finishing a circuit workout and i reached back and touched my right shoulder blade and it was completely numb! I hadn't felt any pain or anything during the workout, but I figured the numbness would go away within a few minutes.

Nope, this morning it was still numb, but this time when I would sit, there would be a burning pain in my shoulder blade but it was numb to the touch. It's now late night and it's still numb. I took some advil to relieve the pain, but I want the numbness to go away as well! Does anybody know what this could be or how to fix it? I also felt VERY lethargic today and my whole body seemed to just feel heavy and achy.


  • 61keys
    61keys Posts: 20 Member
    I've had a similar issue before and mine was a pinched nerve. Thankfully, my chiropractor was able to deal with it and I didn't need anything more invasive. Check, and double check your posture when exercising.