Biggest Loser Challenge to start soon.

Would anyone out there like to do a biggest loser challenge to start on Sunday/Monday? I'm sure there are hundreds of people out there who do this, but it's worth a thought. I'm thinking of having 5 teams of 5 people. 12 week challenge. We need 4 team leaders and motivators etc. Let me know what you think =)


  • roswelltm
    roswelltm Posts: 6 Member
    I'd like to do the challenge but I'm in need of motivation.
  • Me too tbh. This is why I like doing them so much. It gives people a bit of motivation. I'll send you a message with details on Friday =)
  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    I am in!
  • Aww brilliant. I'll send you a message on Friday with the details etc. =)
  • MrsHyland
    MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member
    What exactly does that entail?
  • It's basically a weekly weigh in type thing, your team leaders motivate you. Each week challenges are included like 20 mins of cardio per day etc. and although no one gets kicked out of the group or anything, the challenges become slightly harder. It's just a bit of fun that helps motivate and support
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    OK, I'll play.
  • zoomtech16
    zoomtech16 Posts: 100 Member
    This sounds really fun! I would like to do this, but since it would be my first time I don't think I could be a leader.
  • HootayMcBoob
    HootayMcBoob Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds great, count me in please. Not sure If I'd be a very good team leader as I can hardly motivate myself though :)
  • Aww that's great guys. I'll get everything set up today, and then message everyone the details on Friday. =)
  • spippin831
    spippin831 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey if this is still available I would love to join and help motivate people.. Totally amped and ready to shed these pounds to lead a healthier lifestyle :)
  • melissa61974
    melissa61974 Posts: 12 Member
    I want to play.....
    I need extra motivation.
  • KtMcD89
    KtMcD89 Posts: 10 Member
    I would be interested if your still looking! I'm just started on here and know I could use all the motivation I can get! Feel free to friend me anyone!
  • hamach33
    hamach33 Posts: 20 Member
    Count me in too! :)
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    I'm one of those that is really a "big" loser I still have about 90 - 100 pounds to go. Will the exercises be to difficult for me?
  • crys_todd
    crys_todd Posts: 41 Member
    Love the idea of weekly challenges. Count me in.
  • linzee32
    linzee32 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in.
  • b3llzy
    b3llzy Posts: 77 Member
    Sign me up! I was hoping to find something like this! :smile:
  • desirail
    desirail Posts: 49 Member
    I think that's an awesome idea! Count me in!!!
  • queen_of_disaster
    queen_of_disaster Posts: 61 Member
    Would love to join!!