Check out this "expert" advise! "Counting calories is bad!"



  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    i totally agree with kruggeri's post. ive counted calories before to lose weight and its the only time the weight loss stuck or lasted more than a month. i've recently gotten back into it though to lose the last 20 and the first couple weeks there is some anxiety as i realize how many calories were in certain things i was eating, and just how many i could eat in one sitting. its a wake up call. and ya that can be unpleasant, but also needed

    An unpleasant but needed wake up call... Couldn't have said it any better! I totally agree.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    edited February 2015
    I believe that the women who get stressed from counting calories really don't want to know and don't want to change. I was one of them.

    Exactly what I thought!

    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I felt the same way! This is why I changed my calorie goal to my TDEE (which is 1800cals at this time, readjust agt every 5lbs lost). That way, whether I eat 1190cals or 1210cals, it's still a big juicy green number (and represents my calorie deficit for the day)!!!

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

    Um, ok.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Well, *kitten*. I've been doing it wrong. Guess this 50 pounds was just a fluke.
    Someone pass me a cleanse and a timed meal plan, please.

    Oh Oh I'll bring the blender.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

    Um, ok.

    Like for example I went in red on calories by 700ish on Tuesday. Instead of becoming negative I just adjust yesterday and today intake with adjusting exercise to rid of the red day on Tuesday. Tomorrow I will adjust also and the red day will be balance out.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

    Red is not necessarily overeating. You could be in the red and still in a deficit. If you eat 1 calorie over your budget you're "naughty" according to MFP.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

    Red is not necessarily overeating. You could be in the red and still in a deficit. If you eat 1 calorie over your budget you're "naughty" according to MFP.

    Exactly so why be mad about being in red? I don't get it still.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    I suppose one could argue that the quality of calories can affect success because if you're eating a lot of calories but not filling food, you'll likely be hungry, have cravings, and lose will power. Or not be up to a good workout. But the timing thing? I'm so over being told when to eat! My body knows when it's hungry!

    I also think that calorie counting can tend toward neurosis in some people, and there are certainly other ways to lose weight. (Not other ways besides a deficit, just other ways people achieve the deficit.)
    But like others said here, it's just a tool. Use it if it helps, find another method of it contributes to your specific brand of crazy. ;)
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

    Red is not necessarily overeating. You could be in the red and still in a deficit. If you eat 1 calorie over your budget you're "naughty" according to MFP.

    THIS exactly. Also, when you complete your diary, you only get that nice "atta boy" message when you are under your calorie goal, and not in the red. That's why I set my goal to 2000 cal/day and then record my exercise calories on top of that. So if I eat 2050 calories, I'm still in the green, and that's still enough of a deficit for me to lose a pound a week.
    I thought that I would be eating too much, but it's actually working much better than what I was doing before, and has helped me start losing again.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

    Red is not necessarily overeating. You could be in the red and still in a deficit. If you eat 1 calorie over your budget you're "naughty" according to MFP.

    Exactly so why be mad about being in red? I don't get it still.

    Maybe read the post I originally quoted. That's the only reason why I mentioned that a range would be nice. I never personally said that I get upset over being over by a couple of calories.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I dislike the fact that the first article says there are "better ways of losing weight," but doesn't even mention what any of those might be. You would think they would want to at least share the options if they are superior.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    I agree. It would be nice if they set up a range to stay in instead of an exact number.

    Do you use all the features on your phone? If not then why use everything on MFP. Just disregard the red because its not like being in red one day will outdo the rest of the week.

    Well it depends on how much in the red you are.

    Either way I'm very well aware that being over by a couple of calories isn't a big deal. The thing of it is that not everyone is ok with seeing big red numbers on their home screen when they log in.

    LOL so my answer would be don't go in red. Don't overeat which is how 90% people gain excess fat.

    Red is not necessarily overeating. You could be in the red and still in a deficit. If you eat 1 calorie over your budget you're "naughty" according to MFP.
    I don't view it as saying you were "naughty". It is just to make it clear that you were over your budget for the day...just like in finance, you were "in the red". It's a good thing to point this out, IMHO.

    Let's say you were over by what seems like a small amount...say 100 calories. Most people would look at that and say "I was very close...good enough. I'm basically on target and doing well." The problem is, if you do that every day, over the course of a week that is 700 calories. If you have a very small deficit...which many people strongly prefer...that could be the difference between losing and not losing.

    And then at least some of these people will say they were sticking to their plan and not getting results. And they might give up because they think it doesn't work. I know it's not logical, but humans have a great capacity to not "notice" things they don't want to notice. The red just makes it impossible to ignore that you did actually eat more than your if becomes harder to forget that at the end of the week if you don't like your results.

  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I agree with the stress and anxiety it can cause when I see those red numbers that tell you you've gone over for the day....

    That is a feature I wish MFP would GET RID OF. I don't know how it makes everyone else feel, but for myself having experienced a poor relationship with food in the past... it can sometimes make me feel anxious. I bet it's way worse for those with EDs or ED history

    It's pretty bad. I actually made a thread in the suggestions area about the ability to track without a particular goal so I can count calories without seeing the nice red numbers.

  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I love how people with psychological problems around food are so eager to tell the rest of us we're doing it wrong OMG DANGER.

    Counting calories works. Counting calories is not incompatible with good nutrition (the "quality" of what I eat). Counting calories does not inevitably lead to obsessive behavior. Counting calories does not have to control me.

    Counting calories is just a tool for helping me stay mindful of the quantity of my energy intake and balance.

    Look, I can have compassion for your issues, but please don't insist you don't have a disorder and that your anxieties are not only perfectly normal but inevitable.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    sympha01 wrote: »
    I love how people with psychological problems around food are so eager to tell the rest of us we're doing it wrong OMG DANGER.

    Counting calories works. Counting calories is not incompatible with good nutrition (the "quality" of what I eat). Counting calories does not inevitably lead to obsessive behavior. Counting calories does not have to control me.

    Counting calories is just a tool for helping me stay mindful of the quantity of my energy intake and balance.

    Look, I can have compassion for your issues, but please don't insist you don't have a disorder and that your anxieties are not only perfectly normal but inevitable.

    Are you addressing me? Shifting from an ad libitum approach to eating to calorie counting - or, actually, any kind of monitoring of eating - requires learning and adjustment. Stress experienced along with that in no way reflects or presupposes any kind of psychological disorder. Also, no one said such stress was inevitable; only common.

    Suggesting that the many people who experience strain with adjustment to monitoring intake (of quantity or quality) are psychologically disordered is not only ignorant, it's a massive d!ck move.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Lol I don't have any psychological disorders. And yes I do get a tad anxious when I see those red numbers.....
    However I need to see them so I can correct the issues and make up for it over the coming days.
    My deficit is a whole whole 320 calories, so it's not very hard to go in the Red.