Carb Cycling macros



  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    I should clarify. I do one heavy weight training (LEGS!) and then plyometics (with weights) combined with Martial Arts. Martial Arts is typically 3-4 days a week too.

    Cals seems to be coming in around 1900 and 1700.

    So week of training
    Sunday - 2/3 hours of martial arts
    Monday - morning plyo with weights--> martial arts later in the day
    Tuesday - Plyo (morning) --> cardio later
    Wednesday - Plyo and martial arts later in the day
    Thursday - Cardio at some point
    Friday - legs
    Saturday - Rest

    Sometimes though i'll rest on Wednesday or Friday.

    Goal is to cut BF% and weight. I would like to hover around 140lbs.

    Just at a glance I can tell you right now your calories are too low. 12900 cals for the week is too low, I'd use the formula Harris benedict formula above and work out your low/high day cals. Training 5-6 plus times a week you really need to reassess your cals as I personally think your body hasn't come out of starvation mode even when Refeeding.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Hey Sean,

    What would be the difference in terms of days per week between

    Very active BMR x 1.725
    Extra active BMR x 1.9

    in the Harris-Benedict Formula?


  • BigSean86
    BigSean86 Posts: 21 Member
    pgp90xer wrote: »
    Hey Sean,

    What would be the difference in terms of days per week between

    Very active BMR x 1.725
    Extra active BMR x 1.9

    in the Harris-Benedict Formula?


    Hi pgp90xer,

    I would compare extra active to an athlete that trains 6 days a wk (over 2hrs intense exercise a day). I'm an office worker and sit at a desk most of the day but I found the weight loss very slow and steady using moderately active 1.55 (retaining more LBM) and this was with me training 5 days a week (3 days weight sessions 1hr 15max per session, 2 days HIIT cardio 25min per session) in the last two weeks I've dropped my cals back slightly and used the Harris-Ben formula to re-calculate maintenance against lightly active 1.375. Doing so I've managed to drop 1.5lbs and weight loss has ramped up weight loss a notch.
  • I want to do carb cycling, to get rid of the 30 or so pounds I want to lose. I do crossfit 4-5 days a week, walk about half a mile a day to work. Also in the middle of April I will be starting a new training program to get better at crossfit. I sit all day at a desk. Need help figuring out my calories for high and low days, then I need to know the macro break down. I usually eat every 2-3 hours, I meal prep for the week to make life easier. Thanks in advance.