Tracking exercise with fitbit HELP

I have synced my fitbit and my fitness pal. I'm walking for exercise and entering that into both apps. What I'm wondering is if it's double counting the calories or if there is some sort of adjustment going on.


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Are you using the allow negative adjustments option under settings. If so it will bring over your activities and will adjust your calories accordingly in MFP...

    If you enter in Fitbit and MFP you are double entering, if you are using the allow negative adjustments..
  • lailal
    No I didn't know about that setting. I'll go change it now. Once I have changed that to allow negative adjustments, then do I enter the exercise in both fitbit and in MFP?
  • lailal
    Okay I looked under settings and just about everywhere else and I can't seem to find this adjustment you mention. I must be missing it somehow :( Can you tell me where to find it specifically? Thanks so much.