Mom of two and breastfeeding but still can't keep on a healthy weight.

I have had two children and both times I have had them I drop down to 110 and I am 5'5" . I shake a lot even when I eat every 2-3 hrs and I try to take in more protein but my baby is allergic to egg so I had to take it out. Any help would be appreciated.


  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    On average, they estimate a 500 cal drain from you to breastfeed. So you are going to have to find a way to get more calories in. If you are expending all the calories - you could even add some more calorie dense foods as long as you keep up with the calcium, protein, etc. If you do not get some increased protein - your body will break down muscle to get it for the breast milk. It will even deplete your bones to get calcium if you don't take enough in. Try protein shakes with greek yogurt and peanut butter.
  • Keelahopkin
    Keelahopkin Posts: 15 Member
    Honestly, I would do some blood sugar and thyroid testing. There are also several protein supplements that can be added to your diet as well. Try BCAA'S (I like USPLABS Modern BCAA) too
  • mnh08
    mnh08 Posts: 7 Member
    Have you heard of the Brewer's Diet? It's a healthy eating plan for pregnant mamas. I follow it even now to try to get the nutrients I need for breastfeeding. Greek yogurt and nuts are excellent sources of protein.
  • jlchitin2
    I'm in the same boat. I've always had trouble keeping weight on but I maintained a nice 110lbs while breastfeeding my first. This time I've sunk below 100lbs (5'4") and can't get any weight to stick. Were you gestational diabetic by any chance? I agree with the previous poster, you may want to have your thyroid and A1C checked.

    As far as my fitness pal, I just joined yesterday. I added breastfeeding as an exercise that consumes 500 calories.

    I don't have more to offer but just want to say "hang in there!"
  • kris_mcconnell
    I had no idea breastfeeding used that many calories wow! I have looked into my thyroid and when I was pregnant it went extremely low but then stabilized. I got tested after and now it is borderline. My aunt is hypoglycemic so I'm wondering if I am as well. And I have never heard of the brewers diet but I will look it up. Thanks!
  • jlchitin2
    Yeah breastfeeding takes up more calories than being pregnant. And if your breastfeeding while pregnant then it's 800 calories. Now that was super tough!

    Btw...I've noticed my milk supply has decreased since hitting 100lbs. Have you noticed a supply drop?
  • kris_mcconnell
    No I thought it would drop because it did with my first bit I think I mist be eating enough to keep up with it plus I power nursed for a couple days.