Hi everyone!

I'm Stacey, and I'm from a little town an hour north of Houston, Texas. I'm trying to lose weight mainly because it was my doctor's order, but also because I know I need to. Both my grandmothers were obese, and my mother is currently struggling with issues related to severe obesity. I've managed not to become as heavy as any of them, and have managed not to have as severe problems with lymphedema as my mother, but I have been diagnosed with Metabolic Disorder, so in order not to end up real mess, I've had to step on my own neck, so speak. In a year I lost 36 lbs. and managed to put back on nearly 20 of that in 4 months. I fell back into bad habits during the holidays, so I've had to buckle down and renew my determination to get back into size 12 jeans. At the moment, I weigh 218, with a goal of 140. (At my heaviest, I was 240.) Only 78 more pounds to go!