I need to lose weight! 50lbs! Seriously this time!

As the title said, I need to lose weight seriously this time! I'm 5'5 and even though I'm heavy it carries better than most and that's why it has never been a real concern but I'm ready now. I have lost 20lbs here 15 lbs there and gained it back. Now I fear I'm headed back to my heaviest weight which was 206. I can't do that. My body feels so uncomfortable at 194! I've decided to really dig in but if anybody has any good hiit exercise ideas and ways to see sustained weight loss please let me know


  • sahead710
    sahead710 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey you sound like me!! I need to lose 50 lbs too my highest weight was 227 and I also carry it pretty well but man I feel like a slug sometimes, a fat slug. Welcome this is an awesome way to keep motivated and to really keep an eye on what you're putting into your body. I've also yoyoed several times more than I care to admit, I got down to 202 and I was so ready to be under 200 for the first time in years but for whatever reason I quit, well no more!!! Feel free to add me so we can support each other!! :)
  • Oh my gosh... y'all both sound like me. I'm at 197 my heaviest ever! It doesn't matter what I do the pounds don't seem to budge. I'm in a motivation slump. I was on here once before, liked it but got away from it. Now I'm back! Hopefully to see some serious changes. I've been watching alot of exercise videos hoping I will get up and do something about this pudgy problem. I really don't live in a good location to walk or run. Although my treadmill has been my best friend before. Blah! Honestly I'd rather be outside. I bought the Slider sometime last year and you know who has used it? My husband. I bought the darn thing for me but I haven't even stepped foot into those footies. Boy do I need help. Ugh!
  • lois_zarculea
    lois_zarculea Posts: 1 Member
    hey ladies! sounds like you have an ongoing pounds-up pounds-down rollercoaster;

    i have been sick with ED for almost 15 years, beated this sickness. all i can suggest, it has been a consistent combination of 80% nutrition (yeah, i won't call it diet, simply) and 20% gym. i started of far below bottom.

    a few TIPPS:
    1.) COMMIT and be ACCOUNTABLE to YOURSELF. WRITE DOWN a long-term-goal, then split it into smaller goals. PIN this board somewhere you see it daily (best is on your fridge) your brain works without you ever noticing it.
    2.) HOOK UP with a buddy who is heading the same goal, take your appointments at the gym or outdoors as serious as you'd be dating your bae for the first time :)
    3.) Hydration: most important: DRINK EVERY morning two large cups of warm! water, squeeze in the juice of a lemon, add a good pinch of cinnamon powder. it's magic! (if you get bored of warm water you can use decaf green tea)
    CUT out all soda, drink plain water, no gas!
    5.) NUTRITION: make sure you have a caloric deficit of 500calories, if you desire a steady and healthy weight and fatloss
    get yourself a kitchen scale, it makes a huge difference, of how much you REALLY eat.
    CUT out 30% of the current carbs you eat now. don't cut out everything at once, because carbs are the primary source of fuel easy to dissect.
    your ratio should be 50%proteins, 30%carbs, 20%fats
    CARBS: should be mainly coming from green veggies, sweet potatoes, fruits like oranges, kiwi, apples, pineapple,
    PROTEINS: eggs, egg whites, lean chicken meat, ground beef, fish, salmon, red beans chick peas, tofu, low fat curd cheese, low fat cottage cheese, high quality protein powder (i use dymatize hydrolized 100% whey protein isolate) all flavors
    FATS: unsalted almonds & pistachios, unsalted pumpkin & chia seeds, flaxseeds, avocados, flaxseed oil, olive oil, salmon, eggs,
    HERBS: parsley, chive, onions, garlic...
    MINERALS: i use a blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace and ultra trace elements, decaf green tea and aloe, which helps me balance my nutrition best, it's called VEMMA; daily one shot -- go to losica.vemma.eu to check it out. the best brand so far in maintaining your energy, vigorousness, balance,

    6.) WORKOUT: PICK UP THE WEIGHTS, and BUILD MUSCLES ladies!!! Cardio does nothing than eat up the rest of your muscles! but muscles are NECESSARY for weight loss even fat loss!
    THE more muscles you build (especially legs and core training) the more your BMR increases and your metabolism speeds up which means, you burn more calories even during your sleep.

    I can tell from my own experience I am heavier than ever before (i'm 5'2" and 130pounds but i fit into almost the tiniest sizes (except of my butt cheeks)

    go for it ladies, hope this has helped you

  • gibbsgirl76693
    gibbsgirl76693 Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same boat. My last check up shows that I am still healthy, no issues with blood pressure, cholesterol, etc...but my BMI is 40. I'm looking to lose 50 so I can continue to stay healthy.

    I sent you a friend request, and anyone with the same goals feel free to send me one!
  • leslidean
    leslidean Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for some support along this journey. It is nice to hear of your foals, successes and even your trials! I hope I can support all of you when you need it to.
  • tiffanyheal
    tiffanyheal Posts: 3 Member
    I too am looking to lose 50 pounds. I'm 5'5 and 194 as of this morning. I'm a terrible emotional eater and had a lot of stessful events the last 12 months. Now I have something to be excited about as I got engaged on Valentine's Day. I'm motivated to lose the weight and get back to feeling like myself again. Let's keep each other motivated! :D
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    You can totally do this! I'm a super super busy mom of 4 and am down 40 lbs so far. Hard work will pay off! Add me as a friend if you want. I'd be happy to encourage you and help you any way I can!