Foods You Thought Were "Healthy" As A Kid



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't have that excuse. I knew it wasn't healthy. I just didn't care. The only thing I could possibly say I thought was healthier (and because really a lot of people still think it's healthy) are fruit yogurts, which really are not.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member

    Now we all know that Innocent smoothies are full of unnecessary sugars and making your own is the way forward! :drinker:
  • saz_fairy
    saz_fairy Posts: 10 Member
    Kids yogurt (the types with heaps of sugar in it and fun packaging),
    anything with fruit in it - some how that made it alright, even pop-tarts.
    Juice by the liter and fried potato. Potatoes are vegetables right?

    I came from a very destructive home-food situation.
  • lillith1991
    Collard greens with salt pork.- it wasn't the greens themselves but the salt pork that was the problem.

    Sugar free candy- name explains it enough

    Tofu- I was born with very high cholestoral so I wasn't allowed red meat for a few years. Tofu was a staple for the house because of it. Its not bad though.
  • LouAnn71464
    pop tarts
    any fruit pie
    French fries
    potato chips
    corn chips
    ice cream
    chocolate milk
  • LyraVega02
    LyraVega02 Posts: 17 Member
    Frozen fish sticks. My parents told me they'd make me smart, so I ate a ton. I ended up smart and fat.
    Sweet potato casserole at Thanksgiving. You know, canned yams in syrup covered with butter, brown sugar, and marshmallows.
    I wasn't a fan of white rice as a kid, but my mom always said it was good for me and I had to eat it, so she'd sprinkle sugar over the top. It was enough that it still crunched when I took a bite. I did hate it when the sugar touched the part of my plate with the mac and cheese, though. I'm still trying to figure out why mac and cheese and rice were ever on my plate at the same time.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Pop tarts for sure. I still eat copious amounts of pop tarts.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Flavoured milk
    The sugar laden cereals my mum bought
    White rice
    Copious amounts of milo (with like 6 tablespoons heaped in the glass)
  • semarsh12
    semarsh12 Posts: 77 Member
    I used to think granola bars were healthy. You know, the soft kind that are dipped in chocolate? Yeah, those. Also, bagels or low fat muffins from Dunkin Donuts.
  • aquinoz
    aquinoz Posts: 182 Member
    cookies from Subway...:huh:
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    Rice Krispies (okay in moderation, and better than sugary cereals, but 100 cals a cup and almost no nutritional value)
    Wheat Thins
    Granola Bars (HOW exactly were these touted as health foods in the 90s? Some have as much sugar and calories as a snickers bar)
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I thought any type of dairy was always good because I'd heard early on that girls needed lots of calcium. I ate waaaay too much cheese, lol.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Fruits in excess. "Fruits & Veggies" were basically the same thing in my mind. Of course fruits can be a great part of a good diet, but overdoing it on the sugar obviously isn't.

    Same!! "fruit and veg" used to be one thing for me. But now I learn they are very different and I try to keep the fruit to reasonable amount a day.
  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    Flavoured milk
    The sugar laden cereals my mum bought
    White rice
    Copious amounts of milo (with like 6 tablespoons heaped in the glass)

    I second the cereals!! i thought if they served it for breakfast at school then it must be healthy
  • darianrolfes
    I didn't think about what was healthy or what wasn't when I was young. I never realized the food I grew up eating was bad for me until I was an adult. When I did I was stunned. My parents said I was a picky eater so they let me eat what I wanted... This was my diet for all of elementary school:
    Breakfast: Sugar cereal and cinnamon sugar on white toast with Tang to drink - because I didn't like real OJ - and that's what the astronauts drank so it must be good for me! Right?
    Lunch: Peanut butter & fluff (marshmellow creme) with sugar sprinkles sandwich on white bread
    Afternoon snack: Strawberry milk
    Dinner: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
    I can't believe I have any teeth left in my mouth. I did eat other food too but this was my standard diet. Crazy.