Can someone explain "noob gains"

I've seen this term and need some help...I started to work out again after a long hiatus...and am following one of those 12 week weightlifting/cardio plans. I've gained 3 pounds since starting last Friday. Yes, I've been logging my food and have had a deficit - between 250 cal and 600 cal depending on the day. I literally weighed myself then threw my gym bag into the basement, threw my workout binder at a wall and cried for 2 hours. At this point I'm so depressed/frustrated I can't even think of going into the gym without starting to cry. After years of trying to get in shape then falling off due to health issues or just life in general, I'm nearly ready to accept that maybe I'm not meant to be in shape.

So what are noob gains...and is this something normal? As a side I have a testosterone imbalance due to my PCOS so I do have a real fear about lifting higher weights like a 5x5. Currently I'm doing 3 sets of 10-12, with the last set to failure (averaging 12-15 on that one so I don't think I'm lifting too heavy). 5-10 min warm up before lifting (lots of old injuries to get moving) and have followed with 20-30 min of cardio (depending on the day). I worked out Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday of this week - just did stretching on Sunday due to massive pain/soreness.

How do I curb these gains and what do I do? I'm drinking plenty of water - have one of those "drink your water" apps that tracks so I'm about 70-90 ounces a day.

Any help for this "constant beginner" would be great. Thanks.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Don't cry---there's always a reason you're gaining instead of losing. Usually you're eating too much, or have sodium retention. Your food diary is closed so it's not possible to help you there. Also, you need to give your stats--height, weight, weight loss goal, etc.. There's just not enough information here to see where you're going wrong. If you want help you have to tell us more. Best. :)
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    Generally water retention is highly common after starting a new work out regimen, especially weight lifting. Your muscles hold onto water to help the repair and recovery process. Before throwing in the towel and crying, just give your body a little while to adjust and heal. When I first started lifting and working out, I did not lose a single pound for about 3 weeks and even gained a little, but I eventually dropped 5 lbs just like that. Just have some patience.
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    Don't cry---there's always a reason you're gaining instead of losing. Usually you're eating too much, or have sodium retention. Your food diary is closed so it's not possible to help you there. Also, you need to give your stats--height, weight, weight loss goal, etc.. There's just not enough information here to see where you're going wrong. If you want help you have to tell us more. Best. :)

    Without opening my diary but looking at it I was borderline over on the sodium...I think I was so worried about getting my calories under and my fat under that I didn't pay as close attention to the sodium.

    My stats: Female, 39, 5'5", 225 when I started Friday, now 228. Goal is to get to 140 eventually...but short-term goal is to just get stronger and more in-shape because I'm taking a cruise in August and want to have the energy to get through the excursions offered - which do involve a lot of walking among other things.

    So on the days that my sodium has gone over, should I drink more water then? That was a good suggestion to look at...thanks.
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    Generally water retention is highly common after starting a new work out regimen, especially weight lifting. Your muscles hold onto water to help the repair and recovery process. Before throwing in the towel and crying, just give your body a little while to adjust and heal. When I first started lifting and working out, I did not lose a single pound for about 3 weeks and even gained a little, but I eventually dropped 5 lbs just like that. Just have some patience.

    Ask my husband...patience is not my virtue LOL. I tend to frustrate because it just brings all these "you're going to fail at this yet again" thoughts...and then I start spiraling down (yes I have depression issues but no meds). But reading about what noob gains are is a big help because I feel a bit better about it. I'm trying to talk myself into giving it more's like a big argument in my brain. ugh!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    It is possible that you will not reach your goals without dealing with the depression. Even people who have initial successes hit stumbling blocks, sometime for a number of weeks. One must be able to persevere through those difficult times, otherwise they quit and their goals are never reached. Even if they try again because another hurdle will come up eventually.

    Just hearing people say "Tough it out, be patient" is not enough if your mind is unable to also be the one helping to push you through this. Only you can do this.

    I believe one needs a strong and healthy mind in order to keep the body healthy. My advice is to work on the depression also.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    The first thing I’ll tell you to do is to throw out the scale or at the very least, don’t let it be the only data point you watch. Its like deciding the health of your car based on how much gas is in the tank. Take body measurements (neck, chest, stomach, waist, hips, upper arms and upper legs). Measure about once every two to three weeks at the same time each time.

    Your body, especially as a female, will ebb and flow in body weight. This can be water retention, the amount of food in your digestive track, muscle and/or fat loss or gain. The point is to get to a trend that is taking you to a goal (again, I don’t think weight is a good goal, but a dress size can be). One time on the scale is not a trend. Less than a week tells me this is likely water retention.

    Calories in/calories out are all estimates. Unless you live in a bomb calorimeter and have every bit of food and liquids measured, it is an estimate. After a few weeks, if what you’re doing isn’t working, you’ll need to tweak your estimates. But you’ll need a few weeks to know. Again, focus on trends.

    Newbie gains are a situation when a previous sedentary person starts an exercise program. Even if the weights lifted aren’t all that heavy, the new “load” causes the body to adapt. You can add a few pounds of muscle while losing some fat. Since it has only been less than a week, you’re probably not experiencing newbie gains. Like I said before, it is more likely water retention, which is also common for new trainees.

    The emotional reaction tells me you’re committed to this. Good! Use that emotion to power you through the workouts. Use that emotion to get through periods when you crave bad foods. But don’t let that emotion beat you to a point you quit. You have a goal. Go get it.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    There are 2 approaches people try--counting calories very carefully, which means weighing as much as you can on a digital scale, and those that stress on this, so create a deficit as the above poster mentioned. Once you have your deficit, you have to be careful of your exercises--that your burns are really what you are recording. I agree to take your measurements ( I've kept a journal for 2 years ) and when you're frustrated (and you will be--it happens to us all) take a look and compare, or some take pics. You have to be consistent, and just keep going no matter what. When you hit a big stall, usually 2 or 3 weeks ask for help. Yes, it helps to drink alot of water when you're up on sodium, so it flushes out. Being a woman means monthly weight swings, but overall the trend should be down. It's OK to be frustrated, but now get on with it, and you'll be a success. B)
  • FullOnBurn
    FullOnBurn Posts: 43 Member
    Simply put, noob gains are a seemingly rapid gain in strength, size, or weight that occurs as the body adapts from an untrained state to a state of in-training. This rise tends to flatten out fairly quickly as you get into a steady training rhythm and your body has adapted to this new stress.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    edited February 2015
    When I first started lifting, the first week I saw a couple pounds gained. After that I had 5-6 weeks of plateau, the scale never moved at all, even though I was working out 4-5 times a week and eating within my calories. After that adjustment period, the weight seemed to start falling off. Every week I had a loss. I'm now going through the same thing again, as I had to stop working out for 8-9 weeks following surgery. This is my second week back at lifting and I saw a gain last week, and a STS this week. I'm expecting several more weeks of no scale movement.

    Be patient. Stick with the dedicated workouts. The weight will start to come off...but it won't if you quit.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    show me on the doll where the newbie gains happened.

    Don't sweat the sodium unless your doctor is telling you to swear it off.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    ^ that should explain it OP ..

    basically you can gain some muscle if you are an untrained beginner, but that will only last about six months. If you keep eating in a deficit and lifting then you will probably lose some muscle after the newbie gains, to the resulting gains are not that much ...

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is your lifting program a structured one, or one that you designed on your own?

    how long have you been working out for since you started up again?

  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've gained 3 pounds since starting last Friday. Yes, I've been logging my food and have had a deficit - between 250 cal and 600 cal depending on the day. I literally weighed myself then threw my gym bag into the basement, threw my workout binder at a wall and cried for 2 hours. At this point I'm so depressed/frustrated I can't even think of going into the gym without starting to cry. ...

    So what are noob gains...and is this something normal? As a side I have a testosterone imbalance due to my PCOS so I do have a real fear about lifting higher weights like a 5x5. Currently I'm doing 3 sets of 10-12, with the last set to failure (averaging 12-15 on that one so I don't think I'm lifting too heavy). 5-10 min warm up before lifting (lots of old injuries to get moving) and have followed with 20-30 min of cardio (depending on the day). I worked out Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday of this week - just did stretching on Sunday due to massive pain/soreness.

    I bolded all of the text I wanted to respond to.
    -Unless you ate 10,500 calories over your maintenance, you did not gain 3 lbs of fat since last Friday. It's possible your first weigh in was low/dehydrated, that you need to poop, that your muscles are retaining water, that you didn't pee as much before this weigh in, that any number of things. Weight loss is not linear. I have noticed that the scale goes up about 1-3 lbs right before it goes down for me. So I could be at weight X on Monday, X+2 lbs on Wednesday, and then X-1 on Friday. It's all fluctuations.

    -Logging your food: Do you use a food scale?

    -If you are this emotionally unstable, you need to focus on your mental health and put away the scale for now. My weight fluctuates as much as 5 lbs in one week. Your weight is not a judgement; it's just data. Until you can register that, I think you need to focus on your mental health.

    -Noob gains are NOT noob weight gains. Your 3 lbs up are not "noob gains." When people talk about noob/newbie gains, they're talking about strength gains while eating in a deficit. When you first start out lifting after not lifting for a while, your strength can progress quickly. You can build SOME muscle, even while eating at a deficit. Over time it becomes harder and harder to progress while eating at a deficit.

    -There is no reason to fear anything. 5X5 is great. I found 5X3 even better. 3X15 is entering into the cardio range. I don't understand the fear. That you'll become bulky? 99% of women who TRY to become bulky have a really hard time doing so. If you were to "accidentally" become bulky (not how it happens. it's hard work), all you would have to do to undo it is ease back on the lifting.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Oh I missed this part.
    I do have a real fear about lifting higher weights like a 5x5. Currently I'm doing 3 sets of 10-12, with the last set to failure (averaging 12-15 on that one so I don't think I'm lifting too heavy).

    So OP has too much testosterone, fears getting a case of teh bulkiez, but lifts specifically for hypertrophic growth?

  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks for all the replies :smile: I'll try to answer some.

    Let's see - other than my weight I'm in great health (medical issues are not diet/weight related), so no I'm not restricted on my sodium intake. I'm supposed to be careful due to my kidneys but no real set number or "you have to limit your salt" statements. My sugars are even at the lower end of normal.

    I'm following a 12-week program on which is meant for beginners and it's under the "losing weight" category, not building size. So it is a set program.

    My last real gym workout was back in August of last year. Then life got in the way, had a knee injury, etc., so I'm just now getting back.

    I'm trying to deal with the depression by, well, working out. I do pray/meditate, and sometimes just let it out and have a good cry and continue with my day. I was on antidepressants but one made me suicidal, another made me hallucinate...and one of my seizure meds can be used as an antidepressant so they don't want me to add anything else. Of course, food became and has been a big crutch - I don't smoke, and I used to drink a lot, but I cut that out other than at the rare social gathering or an occasional glass of wine with dinner.

  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    ^ that should explain it OP ..

    basically you can gain some muscle if you are an untrained beginner, but that will only last about six months. If you keep eating in a deficit and lifting then you will probably lose some muscle after the newbie gains, to the resulting gains are not that much ...

    Thanks for the link...I'll read through it during my lunch break (I have to get back to work).
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Oh I missed this part.
    I do have a real fear about lifting higher weights like a 5x5. Currently I'm doing 3 sets of 10-12, with the last set to failure (averaging 12-15 on that one so I don't think I'm lifting too heavy).

    So OP has too much testosterone, fears getting a case of teh bulkiez, but lifts specifically for hypertrophic growth?


    Why? Is this wrong? I was told that this is the type I need to do so I don't the trainer at the gym. Which is why I picked the program that I did....was he wrong?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I've seen this term and need some help...I started to work out again after a long hiatus...and am following one of those 12 week weightlifting/cardio plans. I've gained 3 pounds since starting last Friday. Yes, I've been logging my food and have had a deficit - between 250 cal and 600 cal depending on the day. I literally weighed myself then threw my gym bag into the basement, threw my workout binder at a wall and cried for 2 hours. At this point I'm so depressed/frustrated I can't even think of going into the gym without starting to cry. After years of trying to get in shape then falling off due to health issues or just life in general, I'm nearly ready to accept that maybe I'm not meant to be in shape.

    So what are noob gains...and is this something normal? As a side I have a testosterone imbalance due to my PCOS so I do have a real fear about lifting higher weights like a 5x5. Currently I'm doing 3 sets of 10-12, with the last set to failure (averaging 12-15 on that one so I don't think I'm lifting too heavy). 5-10 min warm up before lifting (lots of old injuries to get moving) and have followed with 20-30 min of cardio (depending on the day). I worked out Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday of this week - just did stretching on Sunday due to massive pain/soreness.

    How do I curb these gains and what do I do? I'm drinking plenty of water - have one of those "drink your water" apps that tracks so I'm about 70-90 ounces a day.

    Any help for this "constant beginner" would be great. Thanks.

    I'm not sure what your testosterone level is but I would, generally, not worry too much. Even though we PCOSers have elevated levels, they are not nearly enough to cause us to bulk like men (I'm guessing that is your worry) though it might help a little bit. With all of the downsides of PCOS, I think that getting that tiny leg up on adding strength/muscle is actually a plus. Also, going with lower reps (like 5x5) will lend more to strength while sets of 10-12 will move you more toward hypertrophy (adding muscle), though there is some overlap. It may not be a big issue right now since you are eating in a deficit (though you will likely have some newbie gains) but I thought I'd point that out. Again, as women (even with PCOS) we're not going to get as big as your average guy but that's a brief summary of how rep ranges affect your outcomes.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm trying to deal with the depression by, well, working out.
    That's a good thing.
    It's one of the tools I use to combat that. Since really pushing hard in the gym, I haven't had a desire to stick a bullet in my brainpan.
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member

    I bolded all of the text I wanted to respond to.
    -Unless you ate 10,500 calories over your maintenance, you did not gain 3 lbs of fat since last Friday. It's possible your first weigh in was low/dehydrated, that you need to poop, that your muscles are retaining water, that you didn't pee as much before this weigh in, that any number of things. Weight loss is not linear. I have noticed that the scale goes up about 1-3 lbs right before it goes down for me. So I could be at weight X on Monday, X+2 lbs on Wednesday, and then X-1 on Friday. It's all fluctuations.

    -Logging your food: Do you use a food scale?

    -If you are this emotionally unstable, you need to focus on your mental health and put away the scale for now. My weight fluctuates as much as 5 lbs in one week. Your weight is not a judgement; it's just data. Until you can register that, I think you need to focus on your mental health.

    -Noob gains are NOT noob weight gains. Your 3 lbs up are not "noob gains." When people talk about noob/newbie gains, they're talking about strength gains while eating in a deficit. When you first start out lifting after not lifting for a while, your strength can progress quickly. You can build SOME muscle, even while eating at a deficit. Over time it becomes harder and harder to progress while eating at a deficit.

    -There is no reason to fear anything. 5X5 is great. I found 5X3 even better. 3X15 is entering into the cardio range. I don't understand the fear. That you'll become bulky? 99% of women who TRY to become bulky have a really hard time doing so. If you were to "accidentally" become bulky (not how it happens. it's hard work), all you would have to do to undo it is ease back on the lifting.

    I don't use a food scale all the time but I use things like single portion chicken breasts (they're prepackaged) from Wegmans and count the portions I'm using, or I use a measuring cup...or if it's a prepackaged meal then I don't have to really measure - I just scan the code.

    And yes, I am aware that I'm very emotionally unstable...and you're absolutely right (along with a previous poster) that I should just put away the scale and focus on how I feel versus the number.

    As I said to a prior poster, I went to a trainer at the gym, explained what I was looking to do, and based on his recommendations that's the program I picked online. Even ran it by him once I had it printed out and he said it would be a good program for me. Now I'm feeling maybe his advice might've been off with some of the reactions I'm seeing to the layout?