Looking for friends(motivation-support)

looking to add people with tips, advice to help me with losing weight! Thank You


  • RegentPrimrose
    Hello, I also just joined. I am from Sydney.

    I am a yo-yo dieter and have gone from super-fit to fat and back many times. I am trying to get thin, fit and healthy again.

    My problem is my love of food and my sweet tooth and I often lose all motivation to exercise. I am hoping this website will help me get back into shape and stay that way.

    Kind Regards
  • jwsfzr600
    jwsfzr600 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi,I am from US. I just started using the community section. I started fitness pal last year. 6 months ago I broke my ankle and stopped working out and stopped fitness pal. I have been back for 30 days. I have been listening to (tips of the scale) pod cast it has helped me with motivation.
  • muffy1276
    Hi...I am from MN. I just started this diet on monday and started the app yesterday. I'm still learning how to use it. I grew up poor so I think that's why I love food so much and I have a sweet tooth. Hoping to stay on track this time and not trade one habit for another. Good luck to all.
  • saumia1980

    I am from the UK.
    Like yourselves i need all the support i can get and vise versa!
    I need to lose ALOT of weight, the capital letters dont do any justice to the amount i need
    to lose!
    However im ready to tackle this life long problem once and for all!!
    I would love to log my weight in every week or so and have others to chat about where im at, vice versa.

    Interested in joining me??
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    please feel free to add me. Let me tell you i had a fantastic figure till i was 20 but my depression ruined my body. add me if you need kind positive comments and can do the same for me
  • hillpb10
    hillpb10 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me, I need accountability. I am also not good with consistently watching my diet, or keeping up with fitness!