same weight still



  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    i have been at 280.6 for over a week!!!! I have increased my work outs to an hour. I have tried cutting calories even more....that didnt work.....then i started eating more calories hitting right at the mark what it says i can eat....idk what is going on...but im an so dicouraged.....I am 5'5" 26......i dont know what else i can do.....i told my huband if the scale doesnt move going to throw it lol....starting weight was 291.

    "over a week"? How often are you weighing yourself? it should be once a week.

    i weight every morning alot of people do....however i think im going to stop that and do it once a week. that way i dont get so upset when stay the same weight
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    i have been at 280.6 for over a week!!!! I have increased my work outs to an hour. I have tried cutting calories even more....that didnt work.....then i started eating more calories hitting right at the mark what it says i can eat....idk what is going on...but im an so dicouraged.....I am 5'5" 26......i dont know what else i can do.....i told my huband if the scale doesnt move going to throw it lol....starting weight was 291.

    "over a week"? How often are you weighing yourself? it should be once a week.

    I weigh myself every morning, too. I look at the overall trend. There's no reason you can't weigh every day unless you're the kind of person who lets the ups and downs bother you.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    CM9178 wrote: »
    i have been at 280.6 for over a week!!!! I have increased my work outs to an hour. I have tried cutting calories even more....that didnt work.....then i started eating more calories hitting right at the mark what it says i can eat....idk what is going on...but im an so dicouraged.....I am 5'5" 26......i dont know what else i can do.....i told my huband if the scale doesnt move going to throw it lol....starting weight was 291.

    "over a week"? How often are you weighing yourself? it should be once a week.

    I weigh myself every morning, too. I look at the overall trend. There's no reason you can't weigh every day unless you're the kind of person who lets the ups and downs bother you.

    right...i think its getting me down bc its been a week long same weight sucks i have trouble getting over numbers like 290 to 289 was rough idk why that is....i think thats what is going on this time to.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I weigh in every morning, as well, and try not to get too worked up about any little loss or gain. I'm looking for an overall trend.

    I really started to get serious about this at the beginning of February (although I've been "working" on it since December). I went up 3 lbs, stayed there for a couple of weeks, then went down three pounds, and stayed there for the last week or so. Just this week I'm actually starting to drop a little bit of weight. I think I'm putting more effort in at the gym, and I've started weighing my food... so that helps.

    Take heart - sometimes it takes a little extra time for the weight to come off. Isn't there a link around here regarding stalls and whooshes?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I don't. I have a treadmill that you put your weight in it and the amount of time you want to workout and the amount of cal you want to burn and it makes a workout up for you....i love yesturday i set it to burn 300 in 30 min at my weight well i did that and i was like screw this maybe 30 min isnt i did that work out plus i ran at a 4.2 mph for 10 min then walked another 20 min at 3.0-3.5 mph....and it said i burned another thats 600 cal all together.....and the scale still didnt move.....i was so mad this morning i could have cried!!!! the scale hates me.....
    If the calorie burn the treadmill is giving you is inflated, and many of them are that way, and you are eating all of those extra calories, you could be cutting into your calorie deficit and slowing your weight loss.

    That said, water can really make the scale do wonky things. Many women retain water at certain times of the month (which is why you see things like Midol on drug store shelves) and that's completely normal.

    Weight loss is not linear. You need to wrap your head around that concept. Some days it's going to go up, especially as you get closer to your goal. It will sit in the same place for a week or so at a time and then suddenly you've lost 3 pounds. If that number is such a big deal to you, find another measurement without as much variability and volatility and use that instead.

    A number on the scale is simply a measurement of progress, the same as body fat %, the measurement of body parts in inches, the number of pounds one can bench press or squat, how far or fast one can run, etc. I believe that any one of these measurements should not be the end-all-and-be-all of a person's efforts to become more healthy and fit.

    I realize that our society places a lot of emphasis on that scale number and that it's one of the easiest and most obvious ways for a person to measure "progress". The number gets smaller, progress is being made, QED. There are TV shows built around people trying to make that number go as low as possible in the fastest amount of time. I abhor those shows. I think they've done at least as much to distort people's perceptions of what weight loss should be about as the diet industry has. I believe that another measure of progress is when one realizes that the scale number shouldn't be the only goal or even the most important one.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I don't. I have a treadmill that you put your weight in it and the amount of time you want to workout and the amount of cal you want to burn and it makes a workout up for you....i love yesturday i set it to burn 300 in 30 min at my weight well i did that and i was like screw this maybe 30 min isnt i did that work out plus i ran at a 4.2 mph for 10 min then walked another 20 min at 3.0-3.5 mph....and it said i burned another thats 600 cal all together.....and the scale still didnt move.....i was so mad this morning i could have cried!!!! the scale hates me.....

    Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what we do one day. What matters is what we do consistently for a week, a month, a year. Just keep going.

    You can also check other calculators to see what your calories should be. Some times mfp gives you too much/too little.