was obsessing over weight, chilling out now

Hi MFP pals,
For those having issues seeing results on the scale, I wanted to share my journey so far.

After the first of the year, I decided to track my calories, try to eat as many whole natural foods as possible, and get more active. This was complicated by a stress fracture in my foot, but I started seeing a trainer despite that. It has been difficult because my starting weight was 152-154, and now I am 148-150 depending on the day. For 7 weeks of tight calorie control (Please dont tell me to weigh my food. Im obsessive as is) , having a 5 lb weight loss made me feel so defeated, especially because I am at the gym now 4-5 days a week. But finally, I am starting to see some results in the mirror. So hang in there if you're in the same boat. I also just bought a bodymedia link to estimate my actual daily calorie expenditure to make things more accurate, but overall I think it's important to keep doing the right things and let it off slowly. I am around for friends and motivation!
