Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to say "Hello!" to everybody & hope everyone is doing well on their diets this winter.

I'm new to the community & brand new to dieting, as well, since gaining 20-lbs after a foot surgery gone awry & its subsequent immobility for several years. I'm just able to return to exercise (my favorite is miles-long outdoor walks & swimming), but I'm currently a bit displaced & living with relatives & concurrently snowed in, so I'm just able to do minimal stretching at the moment in the little space I can find. I'm not worried about it... that shall change soon enough.

For my progress, I began the site almost 3-wks ago & have lost 5-lbs. That's good, but I could do a bit better. I've exceeded my 1,200/day calories by about 50, half of the time... late night hunger has done it, but overall, this is a new process for me. I've got another 15-lbs to go... according to the site reports, I should be able to lose 7-lbs in 5-wks, then it will be another 5-wks for the last 8-lbs. Since my birthday is in 8-wks, it will be a nice present to be closer to my normal weight & fit into my clothing once again.

In any event, I'm glad for the progress in 3-wks time, but hope to be more vigilant hereon in. Beginning today, I've just decided I don't need to eat any fruit before bed... I'm done for the day. Prior to the site, I've never had a weight problem & prior to foot surgery was very active, so had absolutely no idea how many calories were in any food. But, I found out that I do indeed normally eat a lot of calories... I just burned them off before.

I'll be viewing the posts here & am looking forward to inspiring others or vice versa. I've learned it's far too easy to get discouraged, but, I refuse to downplay any progress. Three weeks ago I was 5-lbs heavier, my knees were beginning to hurt from carrying around 20-lbs extra all this time & my tummy got in the way of everything I did. The tummy is still there, but there's far less of it & my knees don't hurt all the time. I'll appreciate what I have achieved & since I gained it little by little, it's not a big deal to take it off little by little, either.

Good luck to everyone & once again, "Hello!"