Looking for supportive friends!

hey everyone, so Im 24 and work a desk job wth crazyyy hours. I've gained so much weight in the past few years and Im sick of all the fad diets and yo-yo'ing. Feel free to add me if you're on the same page and Loki g for a support system :) need as much motivation as I can get!


  • mmolina27
    mmolina27 Posts: 5 Member
    I also work a desk job so I know the struggle!! A support system definitely helps
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    So cool that you've decided to do something positive for yourself. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • lpendleton58
    lpendleton58 Posts: 285 Member
    Hey there and welcome. Please feel free to send me an add request. Good luck
  • Electra0928
    I have the same issue! I gained 60lbs since I started my desk job. :(
  • alizabeth8
    Hi, I'm new here too. I've gained a lot of weight since getting married in September. I used to have a desk job so I know what you're going through!
  • lindsayjcode
    lindsayjcode Posts: 27 Member
    You can add me! I have a desk job too