College Student

My name is Samantha I am a full-time college student. I went away to college for the first time last year and gained 40lbs back that I had already lost.
I need to lose it and keep it off. I find calorie counting the only way of sustainable weight loss for me because of how weird my schedule tends to get, and I don't like to miss out socially!!

I exercise by going for walks, spinning, pilates and lifting.

Looking for supportive friends, I have a blog... that outlines my whole journey.


  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi! You can add me if you want...I'm new to MFP...and I'm loving it here! I can offer some support - I've lost 33 lbs so far, but I'm also looking for support since I have 50 to go....

    Have you found that college has helped your mentality with losing weight? Have you completed any health/wellness classes? I obtained an associates degree last year, and when I finished my health/wellness class, it gave me new insight to why people are overweight, the dangers and how to correct it.

    Good luck!
  • I am a student in law and accounting so I find school gives me a lot of stress and I use that as a reason to eat, which I need to change. I am hypoglycemic so I know the dangers of me carrying this extra weight and it scares me.
    I am just having trouble because I am not employed this summer (can't find a summer job) and home all the time and alls I seem to do is eat, so I signed up again to stop that.
    I am taking a few summer classes though.
  • Hi! I am a college student as well looking for support and someone to keep me on track (and vise versa)! Feel free to follow me!
