Well, this is a little disheartening!

Wednesday's are my weigh-in day. Step on the scale today, same time as always (wake up, before breakfast), and I have gained 6 pounds since last week.
Now, I have been at my goal weight (or, within a pound either way) for about 3 weeks. This past week, I did nothing different from any others. I had 2 days where I had a cheat meal or a cheat meal and some cheat snacks afterwards. In fact, I ate much *worse* over Memorial Day, and only had a 1 pound increase, which is fine.
I have lost 5 or even 6 pounds in a week before, and they were permanent losses. I'm just hoping that this isn't a permanent gain. I bumped myself up to 2300/calories a day; based on height 5'8 and goal weight of 171. Perhaps it is too much, although this was the second weigh in at that calorie level.
Any thoughts or words of wisdom? Thanks!


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You got to take it slowly, 2300 with 2 cheat meals seems like a huge bump, depending on how much you were eating. Once you're back at your ideal weight, increase your calories by 100 at a time and try not to cheat.
  • robinschwalb
    robinschwalb Posts: 58 Member
    How much does the sodium and drinking tons of water add to the scales?
  • JayRod2519
    JayRod2519 Posts: 27 Member
    I was at 1800 calories, and to be honest, was generally having 1 definite cheat meal and sometimes 1 "kind of" cheat meal, where I would just eat more of a good (healthy) meal.
    I can see how the bump would be a shock to the system, though.
  • gogoboobzilla
    gogoboobzilla Posts: 91 Member
    Upping it AND cheat meals might be too much. Do you still log your cheat meals? If so you should be able to weigh your intake vs your TDEE. The last comments mention of sodium is valid as well - I was eating a really reasonable amount of sodium, and then had a recipe with a ton of buffalo sauce and gained 2lbs right away even though I didn't go over calories. Couple days later, it was gone.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    How much does the sodium and drinking tons of water add to the scales?
    It varies. Water weight for me can be give or take 7lbs. If it's water loading and not water retention, I've managed to weigh in over 15lbs heavier just by chugging water before my weigh in. I had to drink over two gallons within a short period of time though.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I think the 2300 is too high then.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I would imagine that most of the difference is glycogen. Once you stop eating at a deficit, your body re-fills your glycogen stores in your muscles. Every gram of glycogen sucks in like a gram of water. I am guessing that if you continued to eat at maintenance with no cheats, you would remain steady at this weight.

    If you want to reach some artificial goal weight, you will need to lose to about 5-6 lbs below than before switching back to maintenance.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    ok there is no I am eating 2300 calories a day business...cut it out:) One day eat 2300 next 1800 next 2700 after a killer workout!
    next 2000...see?? you gotta roller coaster them calls my man...you stick to 2300 cals a day and bam..your body now knows you are "dieting" and the fat storage programs are switched on! hope this helps:)
    Kristian Rocco
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    I'm 5'8 (and a 1/2), and my TDEE is 2300 at 150 lbs. (Maintenance)
    But I'm relatively active. How much exercise are you doing, and are you eating the calories back?
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    i wouldn't be concerned about it. You may be gaining temporarily from the calorie increase. It's only been a week. For you to have gained 7 lbs of fat, you would have had to be eating 24,500 calories OVER your maintenance. I really doubt your cheat meals included that. Drink lots of water, and just keep going with your new goal. give it 4-6 weeks. If you are actually gaining at that point, then re-evaluate.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Women can fluctuate a lot due to water weight (even 10+lbs!) naturally. Also, your body is most likely adjusting to the calorie increase. I wouldn’t fret unless it sticks around for an extended period of time.
    i wouldn't be concerned about it. You may be gaining temporarily from the calorie increase. It's only been a week. For you to have gained 7 lbs of fat, you would have had to be eating 24,500 calories OVER your maintenance. I really doubt your cheat meals included that. Drink lots of water, and just keep going with your new goal. give it 4-6 weeks. If you are actually gaining at that point, then re-evaluate.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    SODIUM can put me up 5 pounds no problem. In a few days it's gone.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I'm 5'8 (and a 1/2), and my TDEE is 2300 at 150 lbs. (Maintenance)
    But I'm relatively active. How much exercise are you doing, and are you eating the calories back?

    2300 is really high for a deficit. your "deficit" is this guys TDEE. its 300cals more than my TDEE (2000-2100) and im 6'0, 157lb.

    2300 for me is like a massive feed day on the back of exercise.

    where did you get your TDEE from / calculate your numbers / what is your weight and age?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    2300 is really high for a deficit. your "deficit" is this guys TDEE. its 300cals more than my TDEE (2000-2100) and im 6'0, 157lb.

    2300 for me is like a massive feed day on the back of exercise.

    where did you get your TDEE from / calculate your numbers / what is your weight and age?

    Your TDEE is 2000-2100? I'm a 50 year old woman, 5'6 and 158. That is my TDEE. That seems really odd that your TDEE would be the same as a 50 year old woman.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I was at 1800 calories, and to be honest, was generally having 1 definite cheat meal and sometimes 1 "kind of" cheat meal, where I would just eat more of a good (healthy) meal.
    I can see how the bump would be a shock to the system, though.

    Be careful about the "kind of" cheat meals. It doesn't matter if the source of calories is nutritious or not as far as net calories goes. If you are over you gain and if you are under you lose. That was one of my bad habits in previous failed diet attempts.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    i wouldn't be concerned about it. You may be gaining temporarily from the calorie increase. It's only been a week. For you to have gained 7 lbs of fat, you would have had to be eating 24,500 calories OVER your maintenance. I really doubt your cheat meals included that. Drink lots of water, and just keep going with your new goal. give it 4-6 weeks. If you are actually gaining at that point, then re-evaluate.


    And my maintenance as a 41 year old woman, 5'5 and about 135 pounds, is about 2300. I doubt it's too high. It's normal fluctuation.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    i wouldn't be concerned about it. You may be gaining temporarily from the calorie increase. It's only been a week. For you to have gained 7 lbs of fat, you would have had to be eating 24,500 calories OVER your maintenance. I really doubt your cheat meals included that. Drink lots of water, and just keep going with your new goal. give it 4-6 weeks. If you are actually gaining at that point, then re-evaluate.


    And my maintenance as a 41 year old woman, 5'5 and about 135 pounds, is about 2300. I doubt it's too high. It's normal fluctuation.
    I'm close to 40 and same height. I would definitely gain at 2300!! Everyone is different I guess!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    2300 is really high for a deficit. your "deficit" is this guys TDEE. its 300cals more than my TDEE (2000-2100) and im 6'0, 157lb.

    2300 for me is like a massive feed day on the back of exercise.

    where did you get your TDEE from / calculate your numbers / what is your weight and age?

    Your TDEE is 2000-2100? I'm a 50 year old woman, 5'6 and 158. That is my TDEE. That seems really odd that your TDEE would be the same as a 50 year old woman.

    according to both of the most accurate online calcs, thats correct.

    its also what my dietician came out with after being put on some very flash machinery which outputted a lot of stats.

    thats also at sedentary.
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    I have read somewhere that once your body begins to maintain then the body begins to replace the glycogen and water stores (water retention) so it is not necessarily fat stores. I'm not sure how accurate that information is but it makes some sense to me if you haven't eaten 21000 calories OVER maintenance. (6lbs x 3500 calories)
  • JayRod2519
    JayRod2519 Posts: 27 Member
    Ok, more info...
    I am 32 y/o Male, height is 5'8. "goal weight" was b/w 170-175.
    I run 3-4 days/week, between 40-50 miles per month. I do strength training maybe 1-2 times per week; my shoulder is a little messed up right now. I work a 9-5 desk job.
    I got my TDEE from 2 places - the website referenced in the infamous "in place of a road map" thread (fat2fitradio.com/tools) and the body weight simulator here: http://bwsimulator.niddk.nih.gov/