40 grams fiber per day?



  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I aim for about 10-15g per 1000 cals.

    I will supplement it if I have a particularly fiber free day. If you are considering supplements one thing to think about is Metamucil is pretty much pure psyllium fiber husk (in gel cap form, or there is some flavor added in powder form). Anyways, you can find bulk ground psyllium husk at a mere fraction of the cost.

    Also La Tortilla makes a Fiber Rich wrap that is great. 12g of fiber per large wrap (130 cals)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I average around 25.

    Fiber aids in digestion and helps you process foods. it make you poop.. there fore you lose weight

    Thank you :)
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    I usually get in between 30-40 a day and it helps keep me regular and also the high fiber foods I eat keep me feeling full for long periods of time :) I eat a mostly whole foods, plant based diet and my fiber comes from my daily green smoothies and salads, and then from beans, nuts and seeds and whole grains.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    If you're eating healthy and getting all the nutrients you need from your food its nearly impossible to take in less than 30g of fibre a day. I usually end up between 35g-45g most days, and was almost hitting 100g per day at one point, though that was a very very bad idea...
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    If you're eating whole foods 40g day can be quite easy to acheive on a 1500+ calorie diet.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Any insights/experience out there on such a high fibre count?

    I aim for 30 grams every day, less than 21g and I'm an unhappy person. 40, 45, 50 grams, are a bonus though I don't usually hit higher than that (and stay within my calories). It makes me feel full and it aids in digestion and according to my cereal boxes soluble fiber can lower cholesterol.

    Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes and whole grains are great sources of fiber. Additionally, there are food products with added chicory root fiber/inulin and fiber supplements (psyllium, methylcellulose, chicory/inulin, wheat dextrin). Everybody is different and people should do what works for them (this is also true of people that eat lower amounts of fiber to make their tummies happy--some people might have adverse effects at higher daily values of fiber).

    Anyone that is interested in increasing their fiber intake should start out slowly... don't go crazy and aim for 40g of fiber in one go--yikes!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Anyone that is interested in increasing their fiber intake should start out slowly... don't go crazy and aim for 40g of fiber in one go--yikes!
    ^^^THIS! My diary is open and I aim for 40g/day, but I worked my way to that over the course of a few months. I actually have WAY less gas/bloating issues now than I did at <20g/day!
    I aim for 'natural' sources first but will supplement as required. When I first started logging without any dietary changes, I realized that I was averaging <10g/day even though my normal intake was 60-70% carbs. I now aim for <50% carbs yet still get plenty of fiber. My go-to choices include:
    • Apples (Gala/Fuji) = 5g
    • Bananas = 3g
    • Unsalted, roasted almonds = 5g (& 0g sodium!)
    • Black beans = varies, usually 9g
    • Fiber One chocolate bars = 9g
    • Clear fiber powder = 3g (usually do 3 servings/day)
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    All those things above are good.
    The Health Canada site gives an RDA for fibre for someone my age of 30-38 grams.
    If I don't think I'll hit 30, I'll add a T of psyllium husk (6g soluble fibre) to a protein smoothie in the morning.
    Usually I try to get it through fruit/veg/nuts etc.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I'm happy if I get 25 grams, but I'm happy to have more, too. My highest fiber day since I have been on MFP was 47 grams:

    Breakfast: 5 grams from a cup of frosted mini-wheats, 6 grams from 3/4 cup of raspberries, and 1 gram from a half-ounce of pecans (also had milk, but no fiber there), for a total of 12 grams
    Lunch: 2 grams from a banana (also had some turkey, but no fiber there), for a total of 2 grams
    Dinner: 11 grams from just under 2 ounces of whole grain spaghetti, 6 grams from about 6 ounces of fried onions, 4 grams from about half a cup of tomato sauce, 8 grams from a half-cup cooked lentils, and 4 grams from a quarter-cup of chickpeas (it was a carb fest as I tried to replicate an Egyptian dish I got from a food truck-mmm), for a total of 29 grams (OK, it was an 850 calorie dinner, and I did go over my net calories goal for the by about 100 calories, but totally worth losing half an ounce less for the week:wink: )
    Snack: 2 grams from a 4.5 ounce tomato and 2 grams from a little less than 2 ounces of tortilla chips (also had turkey, but no fiber there), for a total of 4 grams
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I eat between 35-70 g of fiber a day (sometimes more)...I've found it very beneficial.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    My mum went to see a doctor and was told for her age she should get at least 21g of fibre a day. For my age (22) I need to get at least 26 so that is what I aim for.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    If you're eating healthy and getting all the nutrients you need from your food its nearly impossible to take in less than 30g of fibre a day. I usually end up between 35g-45g most days, and was almost hitting 100g per day at one point, though that was a very very bad idea...

    I am very curious. How did you manage almost 100? :O
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    40mg isn't really super high. Most people don't get enough fiber. It's usually recommended at least 25mg for females & 30-35 for males. I like to shoot for 30 a day. If I'm seeing I'm not close to 25 though, I'll have a fiber bar (usually 9g) which I always keep a couple kinds around - they're great for snacks too or late night hunger!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I'm averaging 60g/day for October.

    It's really been a sh*tty month.

    Sorry I had to.

    Srs though I am averaging 60g.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I've often heard that one should aim to eat their age in fiber a day until reaching 40 or so. Just my two bits
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Anyone have a rough idea of how much fiber is too much?

    Obviously that is a partially personal question, as stomach discomfort will be relative to the person...but I mean more in terms of malabsorption of certain nutrients.
  • doddy44
    doddy44 Posts: 8 Member
    I get 30-50 grams of fiber per day - and Im vegan. Sometimes it gets up to 60 or 70, and then I think I get really dehydrated.
  • derik999
    derik999 Posts: 73
    Up the water consumption if you up the fiber.
  • pgriffith2
    pgriffith2 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm struggling to keep my fiber to what myfitnesspal recommends for me which is 21 grams. I eat lots of vegetables and I usually go over. :smile:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Ack, zombie thread. Never mind!