Cheat Meal/night of drinking



  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    I enjoy cheat days to varying degrees. Sometimes it will just be a beer or sweet treat here and there and some weekends I really go for it and have a takeaway, a few beers and even a glass or two of wine.....for me, they are key to enjoying the overall process of losing weight and getting healthy without hating it or resenting the work.

    My two pieces of advice would be....look at calories over the week, rather than a specific day, if you know you're going to go over, as it will stop you from getting discouraged. Also, if you are going to really go for it (on one recent cheat day I had over 4,000 calories) then it may be worth getting an extra workout in beforehand just to feel even better about all of the cheat day fun!